What's Causing Your Snoring?

Is snoring becoming a common problem, night after night? 

Snoring is a pretty common habit. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine reports that snoring will occur in about half of men and women at some point during their lifetime. While short bouts of snoring may not be much of a cause for concern, our Attleboro Falls, MA, sleep dentist can tell you when snoring might be a problem worth treating.

Why do I snore? 

If you are a loud snorer this could be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a common sleep disorder that could have potentially serious health complications if left untreated. If you also find that you are exhausted throughout the day despite getting an adequate amount of sleep then it might be time to see a sleep specialist to find out if your snoring and daytime exhaustion could be due to sleep apnea.

Of course, regardless of whether your snoring is due to sleep apnea or not, know that you can always turn to our Attleboro Falls, MA, dentists for treatment. While a sleep specialist will most likely recommend CPAP therapy to relieve your symptoms and help you get quality sleep, this doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from oral appliance therapy.

What is oral appliance therapy? 

This device looks similar to a mouthguard and it’s worn at night while you sleep to help keep airways open and prevent airways from collapsing by repositioning the jaws. This device is custom-made to fit your mouth and it’s comfortable, easy to wear, portable, and often a lot easier to work with than CPAP equipment. If you are someone who has to travel a lot for work (or even for pleasure!), getting oral appliance therapy could end up being a lifesaver.

Before you get your appliance, we will need to determine if this is the best treatment option for you. Not everyone with sleep apnea will benefit from oral appliance therapy. Those with mild-to-moderate forms of OSA, as well as those who snore, are ideal candidates.

Don’t let snoring or sleep apnea affect one more night of sleep. Don’t you want to wake up feeling refreshed again? We know you do. If you haven’t already done so, turn to our Attleboro Falls, MA, sleep dental team at The Greater Attleboro Center for Dental Sleep Medicine to find out how we can help stop your snoring. Call us today at (508) 699-9550 to schedule an evaluation.

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