
snoring treatment in Attleboro Falls, MA

Snoring Can Be a Sign of a Serious Issue

Many people may or may not know that in addition to being incredibly annoying to anyone within listening range, chronic snoring can sometimes be a sign of a potentially serious sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. What many people may also not be aware of is that a dentist can actually help to diagnose and offer treatment. When snoring becomes a problem for both the snorer and their loved ones, let the professionals at Attleboro Center for Dental Sleep Medicine in Attleboro Falls, MA help you out.

Snore Guard 

Almost everyone has heard of mouth guards for sports, and night guards for people who regularly grind their teeth in their sleep. Like night guards, a snore guard is worn while the person sleeps and can help to keep the volume down when the snorer gets too loud in the middle of the night through no fault of their own. The Dental Sleep Medicine Specialists at Attleboro Center for Dental Sleep Medicine in Attleboro Falls, MA, also treats patients for problem snoring and sleep apnea. Snoring occurs when the muscles that control breathing in the throat become relaxed and the airway is obstructed. The snore guard helps to keep the jaw in a normal position so that the tongue and muscles are not pulled back into the airway.

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis and Treatment 

Chronic snoring caused by the sleep disorder results when there is a problem with the signal that the brain sends to the muscles that regulate breathing, causing a pause in breathing while the person is asleep. In many cases, the person sleeping next to the snorer will see that they have stopped breathing for a few seconds. Some of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea are:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness and exhaustion, despite getting a full night's sleep
  • Headaches
  • Sore throat and dry mouth
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Mouth breathing

Contact a Dentist in Attleboro Falls

To learn more about how to manage excessive snoring and for an accurate diagnosis,
contact Attleboro Center for Dental Sleep Medicine at (508) 699-9550 to book an appointment today.

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