Cone Beam 3D Imaging

The latest in dental healthcare technology has come to First Dental. We offer this unique dental imaging equipment to obtain a clearer picture of your whole mouth with the Cone Beam 3D Imaging in Dodge City, Kansas. This 3-dimensional look at your mouth helps Dr. Lehmkuhler and Dr. Asbjornson ascertain what types of treatment you or your family need, and helps give a great portrayal of how your teeth are sitting in the mouth and helps us know how best to treat you. Our practice also uses digital X-rays, digital CTC imaging, and digital impressions using the Planmeca FIT and Sirona Schick systems to capture highly accurate images of your teeth and supporting structures.

Our office would love to discuss with you your dental healthcare needs, so please contact us today at 620-225-5154.

At our office, we are committed to utilizing advanced dental technology to always provide you with the highest level of dental care. We are proud to utilize cone beam 3D imaging technology at our dental practice. Cone beam 3D technology is an imaging system that provides our dentist and team with a three-dimensional image reconstruction of your teeth, mouth, jaw, neck, ears, nose, and throat. Our dentist may use dental cone beam 3D imaging to:

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm



