Approximately 120 million Americans have lost at least one tooth according to the American College of Prosthodontists. This tooth loss can directly affect your ability to feel confident in social and professional settings as well as reduce your ability to eat, chew, and talk normally. However, tooth loss doesn’t have to ruin your smile forever. Here at Arbor Dental Associates in Novi, MI, your dentists, Dr. Christopher Paulson and Dr. Lindsay Holman, offer dental implants in order to restore patients' smiles. Read on to learn what this treatment option can do for you!

Getting Dental Implants
The purpose of a dental implant is to restore the function, stability, and aesthetic of a natural tooth by effectively replacing its lost tooth roots. These roots are located a few millimeters below the gum surface in order to anchor teeth, and this is exactly where your implant will end up being placed. When you get a dental implant, it’s considered a dental surgery, but it doesn’t require any time off from your schedule and has minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Implants Will Restore Your Smile
If you’ve had to experience any period of time with a missing tooth, you know how inconvenient it can be for everything from enjoying a meal to smiling for pictures. When you have dental implants installed by your Novi, Mi dentist, however, you can feel secure again with a newly restored smile. The implant will feel just like your other teeth, and the crown restoration will be color-matched and contoured.

Additional Benefits of Dental Implants
The American Academy of Implant Dentistry estimates that over a half a million dental implants are installed each year, making it a top restorative treatment. These are a few of the benefits that you’ll enjoy when you have your smile restored with dental implants:

- You don’t have to take your implant out for cleaning—just brush and floss daily.
- Dental implants help with your dental hygiene, making the bone tissue stronger.
- Patients often keep their implants for decades on end.

Schedule an Initial Exam
Before you can be approved for a dental implant procedure, you must undergo an initial dental evaluation which includes an X-ray screening, a review of dental history, and a visual exam. Call Arbor Dental Associates in Novi, MI, today at (248) 468-4962 to schedule a visit with Dr. Christopher Paulson or Dr. Lindsay Holman!



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