Missing teeth can have negative effects on your life in several ways. Not only can they affect the way you look, speak, and eat, but they can also impact your oral and overall health. If you have several missing teeth dentures are an efficient and affordable option. Dr. Christopher Paulson is a dental specialist at Arbor Dental Associates in Novi, MI where he offers general and restorative dental treatments including dentures.

What Are Dentures?

Novi dental patients wear dentures to replace missing teeth so that they can smile with confidence and enjoy a healthy diet. A half set of dentures is one that replaces all the teeth in the upper or lower jaw. A full set of dentures replaces both. Partial dentures are ones that fill in smaller spaces left by lost teeth. A partial denture may be attached to your existing teeth with metal clasps.

The Benefits of Wearing Dentures

Wearing a full or partial set of dentures is beneficial in the following ways:

  • It will improve your confidence and self-esteem
  • You will be able to eat and speak more clearly
  • It will improve your facial structure
  • You will look younger
  • It will improve your nutritional and overall health
  • Partial dentures prevent your natural teeth from moving out of alignment.

You Can have Your Dentures Fitted Quickly

You can be fitted for dentures as soon as you have your teeth removed. You will simply need to visit your dentist so that he can take measurements and an impression of your mouth. If you have immediate dentures, you can wear them while your gums are still healing. However, after the healing process is complete, your gums and bones may shrink a little and your initial dentures may need adjusting or replacing. Your dentist will advise you on this.

Will I Look Different with Dentures?

If you have several missing teeth, your cheeks can look hollow and your mouth tends to sag, making you look older than your age. When you replace missing teeth with dentures, the structure of your face will be restored, and you will look younger. You will also have a confident smile because dentures look and feel like natural teeth.

Will I Be Able to Eat Normal Food With Dentures?

Although it may take a little while for you to become accustomed to eating with dentures, if you start off slowly, you will soon get the hang of it. Gradually you will be able to add more foods until you are back to your normal diet.

If you live in or around Novi, MI and you would like to find out more about dentures, call Dr. Paulson at (248) 468-4962 to schedule an appointment.



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