Have you been considering replacing missing teeth but aren't sure which restoration option is right for you? Dental implants offered by your Novi, MI, dentist, Dr. Christopher Paulson of Arbor Dental Associates, may be the perfect option.

5 ways dental implants can help your smile

Dental implants are an excellent choice if you:

  • Want a Long-Lasting Tooth Restoration Option: Dental implants are tiny titanium posts that bond to your jawbone and replace missing tooth roots. Implants are embedded in the bone during a minor oral surgical procedure and usually bond completely in three to six months. Once bonding occurs, your implants will remain attached to your jawbone your entire lifetime.
  • Prefer a Restoration That Offers a Natural Feel and Look: Many people who've had dental implants in the Novi, MI, area report that their implants feel just like natural teeth. Dental crowns that replace the visible parts of teeth are connected to the tops of dental implants. Crowns improve your appearance and make biting and chewing possible.
  • Don't Want to Sacrifice Biting Power: Your biting power may suffer if you choose a restoration option that doesn't include root replacement. Since your implants are firmly attached to your jawbone, you'll be able to continue to enjoy your favorite foods.
  • Need a Versatile Restoration Option: There are absolutely no limits with dental implants. You can replace one tooth, close a gap caused by several missing teeth, or even replace all of your teeth with implants. Implant-supported dentures don't require the placement of an implant for each new tooth. In fact, you may need as few as four implants to secure an upper or lower denture.
  • Are Concerned About Jawbone Strength: In addition to supporting your teeth, your roots also stimulate your jawbone, keeping it healthy. Once roots are lost, your jawbone may begin to shrink during a process called resorption. As a result of resorption, your facial muscles may begin to sag, and other teeth might loosen and fall out eventually. Replacing lost teeth with dental implants helps you avoid these unpleasant consequences of tooth loss.

Fill the gaps in your smile with dental implants! Call your dentist in Novi, MI, Dr. Paulson of Arbor Dental Associates, at (248) 468-4962 to schedule your appointment.



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