Cosmetic dentistry makes it easy to show off your best possible smile. Whether you’ve chipped a tooth or have developed stains from coffee, smoking, or some other cause, there are treatments and services that can dramatically improve the appearance of any smile. Dr. Christopher Paulson, the highly skilled dentist at Arbor Dental Associates in Novi, MI, can recommend specific cosmetic dentistry procedures to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help

People sometimes avoid smiling when they are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth. With cosmetic dentistry, you can enjoy a complete smile make-over and have the confidence to smile more often. Cosmetic dentistry can address a wide range of concerns, including:

  • A dull smile
  • A chipped tooth
  • A cracked tooth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Stained or discolored teeth
  • Crowded or overlapping teeth
  • Excess spacing between teeth
  • A gummy smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Numerous treatments are available for achieving the smile you desire. Our knowledgeable and experienced dentist can recommend specific services for creating the smile of your dreams. At our dental office in Novi, MI, our cosmetic dentistry services include:

Teeth Whitening: In-office treatments and take-home kits are available for dramatically whitening and brightening your smile quickly with long-lasting results.

Cosmetic Fillings: Tooth-colored dental fillings strengthen teeth affected by decay, while discretely blending in with the natural tooth.

Porcelain Veneers: The thin laminates are affixed to the front of teeth with cosmetic flaws such as chips, cracks, or stains. Veneers give problem teeth a flawless new look.

Dental Crowns: The hollow tooth-like caps are placed over teeth to create a more pleasing appearance. Crowns also strengthen, protect, and restore damaged teeth.

Contouring and Reshaping: This procedure reshapes teeth by gently removing a small amount of enamel until the desired shape is achieved. This method can be used for teeth that are crowded, overlapping, misaligned, or oddly shaped.

Dental Bonding: This method repairs chipped or cracked teeth by applying a tooth-colored resin material to the affected area. The resin permanently bonds with the tooth as it dries. Bonding can also be used to close small gaps or conceal stains and discolorations.

Show off your best possible smile with cosmetic dentistry. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Paulson to learn more about getting a smile makeover with cosmetic dentistry by calling Arbor Dental Associates in Novi, MI, at (248) 553-9393 or (248) 468-4962.



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