What Cosmetic Dentistry Can Do for You

How cosmetic dentistry from your dentist in Manassas, Virginia can give you a beautiful smile

Cosmetic Dentistry SmileDo you want a more beautiful smile? Are you embarrassed by stains, yellow teeth, or tooth damage? If so, cosmetic dentistry can help give you a smile you will want to show off. There are many ways that cosmetic dentistry can benefit you, and Dr. Thao Bui-Nguyen in Manassas, VA, provides a wide array of services from which to choose from.


Just imagine how you and your smile will benefit from:

Professional Teeth Whitening: Take your smile from dull to dazzling in just one appointment! Professional teeth whitening is effective and can brighten your smile up to 8 shades whiter. It’s also long-lasting, with results that can last up to 5 years. Treatment is also safe because professional whitening products and methods have been rigorously tested and approved by the American Dental Association. With professional whitening, you can take back what aging and lifestyle habits have done to your smile.

Tooth-Colored Fillings: Get a more natural-looking, beautiful smile—no matter how many fillings you need. These fillings use composite, a completely metal-free resin that begins as a liquid, and can be matched to the color of your teeth and sculpted to match their contours. Your smile will benefit immensely from the virtually invisible, completely natural look of tooth-colored fillings.

Porcelain Veneers: Hide minor and major flaws with your smile! Porcelain veneers are thin laminates of sparkling porcelain which mimic the look of tooth enamel due to being light-reflective. The veneers are cemented on to the front surfaces of your teeth to completely reverse the appearance of chips, cracks, fracture lines, breaks, tooth wear, and other issues. In some cases, they can even reduce the appearance of spaces between teeth and tooth overlap!


Interested? Give us a Call!

Cosmetic dentistry can do a lot to give you a great smile and enhance your appearance—all you have to do is decide how you want your smile to look. It all begins with a consultation with your cosmetic dentistry expert! Start today by picking up your phone and calling Dr. Thao Bui-Nguyen in Manassas, VA, at (703) 361-3261.

Our Location

8557 Sudley Rd Manassas, VA 20110-3811

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Cosmetic Dentist in Manassas, VA


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm





