What Dental Bonding Can Do for You

Do you know how dental bonding can help your smile? The versatile dental procedure not only improves the appearance of your smile but repairs damaged or decayed teeth. Bonding is just one of the services offered by your Manassas, VA, dentist, Dr. Thao Bui-Nguyen.

How Dental Bonding Works

During a bonding treatment, Dr. Bui-Nguyen applied soft composite resin to your teeth, then hardens it with a curing light. Composite resin, a tooth-colored material made of powdered glass and resin, is the ideal material for bonding because it can be manipulated into any shape imaginable while soft. Bonding can be completed during a single visit to your Manassas, VA, dentist.

Why is Bonding Recommended?

Dr. Bui-Nguyen may recommend bonding if:

  • Your tooth is chipped or cracked: Wear and tear can cause tiny chips or shallow cracks in your teeth. Bonding offers a simple way to repair minor damage and hide imperfections. If you have a deep crack, you may need a crown to conceal the crack and strengthen your tooth.
  • A part of your tooth broke: In some cases, bonding can be used to reattach a small broken piece of a tooth.
  • You grind your teeth: If you grind your teeth, you're not alone. According to American Sleep Association, ten percent of U.S. adults and 15 percent of children are nighttime grinders. Over time, your habit can wear down your enamel and shorten the length of your teeth. Bonding restores tooth length. If you're a grinder, you may also want to consider wearing a nightguard to prevent further damage to your teeth.
  • You have a gap between your front teeth: Bonding makes slight gaps between teeth disappear.
  • You have a cavity: Dental bonding is also used to fill cavities. Called "tooth-colored" fillings, composite resin fillings blend in with your tooth enamel.
  • A tooth is discolored: Bonding offers an excellent solution if just one or two of your teeth are discolored. Composite resin is available in common tooth-colored shades to ensure that your dental work doesn't stand out.
  • You don't like the shape of a tooth: Bonding can completely transform crooked, twisted, and other oddly shaped teeth.

Upgrade your smile with dental bonding! Call your Manassas, VA, dentist, Dr. Bui-Nguyen at (703) 361-3261 to schedule an appointment.

Our Location

8557 Sudley Rd Manassas, VA 20110-3811

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Cosmetic Dentist in Manassas, VA


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm





