Discover the Benefits of Veneers

Learn more about dental veneers and what they could do for your smile. 

Everyone is deserving of a smile that they feel confident in. If dark discolorations, chipped teeth and other problems are causing you to hide your smile then dental veneers may be the right cosmetic treatment for you. During this treatment, our Manassas, VA, cosmetic dentist Dr. Thao Bui-Nguyen bonds thin, porcelain shells to the front of a patient’s teeth to alter and enhance their appearance. Here are just some of the benefits associated with getting dental veneers,

Brighten Your Teeth  

If you are dealing with severe discolorations in your teeth that don’t seem to be responding to professional teeth whitening it’s important to know that you do have other options for achieving a whiter smile. When whitening cannot remove certain dental stains, dental veneers can be bonded to the front surface of your teeth to hide these discolorations. Since veneers are custom made, we will work with you to determine a natural but whiter shade for your restoration so you can finally have a glowing smile.

Get a Straighter Smile 

If you are an adult who is tired of that gap between their front teeth or slightly off-kilter teeth then you may think the only option is to get braces. Think again! While braces are great for many adults who are dealing with serious bite problems and misalignment issues, if you have more minor problems to correct you could turn to veneers instead of braces. Since veneers cover the entire front surface of your teeth they can “realign” and reshape your smile so your teeth are more symmetrical.

Enjoy a Stain-Resistant Smile 

Veneers are typically made from porcelain, a durable material that is also stain resistant. This means that your veneers will not stain like natural teeth do. While you will still want to make sure that you are limiting dark foods and drinks and maintaining good oral hygiene, it can provide a source of comfort to know that your new teeth will not dull.

Minimally Invasive, Long-Lasting Restoration 

When it comes to enhancing your smile through cosmetic dentistry, our Manassas, VA, dentist understands that you want results that last as long as possible. Dental veneers are a lifelong restoration, designed to give you the perfect smile for the rest of your life. Of course, veneers will need to be replaced every 10-15 years, but this cosmetic treatment makes it easy for adults to get the smiles they want quickly with a simple, minimally invasive procedure.

If you are interested in getting dental veneers or any other cosmetic treatments with us, then call our Manassas, VA, dentist today at (703) 361-3261 to schedule a cosmetic consultation. Find out if dental veneers are right for you.

Our Location

8557 Sudley Rd Manassas, VA 20110-3811

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Cosmetic Dentist in Manassas, VA


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm





