Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

Find out why root canals are crucial for saving your smile. 

Has our Manassas VA dentist Dr. Thao Bui-Nguyen told you that you need a root canal? If so, you mustn’t ignore this advice, as there are so many good reasons why you may need a root canal. This is one of the most commonly performed dental procedures and it prevents many patients from needing teeth extractions down the line. So why might you benefit from a root canal?

You have a tooth infection 

Yes, even your tooth can get sick. While the inside of your tooth is protected by hard enamel layers, decay can destroy enamel and allow bacteria to get inside the tooth. Once the dental pulp becomes infected a root canal will be necessary for our Manassa VA dentist to remove the infection (and to prevent the infection from spreading) and to preserve the tooth. Once the root canal is performed, we will also place a crown over the tooth to protect it and restore full function into the tooth.

You injured your tooth 

Again, any problem that allows bacteria to get inside the tooth and affect the health of the dental pulp is going to result in needing a root canal by your Manassas dentist. Therefore, even something as simple as getting hit in the face or experiencing a traumatic blow to a tooth can result in an inflamed dental pulp. If you notice sudden tooth sensitivity and pain this is a warning sign that you may have a cracked or damaged tooth.

You have severe decay 

One of the reasons you should come into our office every six months for routine checkups and cleanings is that we can often catch decay early on when it’s easy to treat. Of course, if you don’t visit the dentist regularly, or you may not brush and floss as often as you should, then you are leaving yourself prone to cavities. An untreated cavity will only continue to spread further within the tooth until it reaches the dental chamber where the pulp is. At this point, removing the decayed enamel and filling the tooth won’t be enough and you will most likely require a root canal.

When it comes to getting root canals or other dental procedures done in Manassas VA, we know that you want a dentist that will provide you with trustworthy and dependable care. Dr. Thao Bui-Nguyen has provided families with dental care for three generations. If you’re looking for dental care with a gentle touch, call our office at (703) 361-3261.

Our Location

8557 Sudley Rd Manassas, VA 20110-3811

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Cosmetic Dentist in Manassas, VA


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm





