How Dental Bonding Can Fix Your Teeth

Dental bonding from your dentist in Manassas, VA, can restore your smile. Tooth enamel is the strongest part of the human body; it’s even stronger than bone! In spite of how tough tooth enamel is, teeth can still be damaged. The good news is, there is a common cosmetic dentistry treatment that can fix your damaged teeth. It’s called dental bonding.

Dr. Thao Bui-Nguyen in Manassas, VA, offers a wide range of cosmetic and restorative dental services, including dental bonding to restore your smile.

There are many ways your teeth can become damaged. Everyday habits like chewing on ice cubes, pencils, or other hard objects can lead to broken teeth. Even normal aging can weaken your teeth. Teeth become weaker and more brittle as you age, leading to unsightly tooth wear.

Dental bonding can fix your damaged teeth and rescue your smile. It’s the perfect choice to repair:

  • Chips and tooth wear
  • Cracks and fracture lines
  • Areas of lost tooth structure
  • Discolorations and enamel defects
  • Uneven tooth shape

Dental bonding uses composite, which is a unique liquid resin material that offers many benefits, including:

  • Color matching- composite can be matched closely to the color of your teeth, so it blends right into your smile.
  • Quick results- most bonding treatments can be completed in one appointment, giving you fast, beautiful results.
  • Pain-free treatment- bonding typically doesn’t require anesthetic, so treatment is easy and pain-free.

Bonding treatment begins with your dentist applying an etching material, which creates tiny pore-like openings the composite attaches to. Then a bonding agent is applied, followed by the liquid composite.

Your dentist will sculpt the liquid composite to match the natural contours of your teeth. Finally, the liquid composite is hardened with ultraviolet light, giving you an outstanding, natural-looking cosmetic dental treatment.

Dental bonding can fix your smile, making your smile appear more full and balanced. To find out more about what dental bonding can do for you and your smile, call Dr. Thao Bui-Nguyen in Manassas, VA, at (703) 361-3261.

Our Location

8557 Sudley Rd Manassas, VA 20110-3811

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Cosmetic Dentist in Manassas, VA


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm





