What To Know About Dental Bonding

Dental bonding, one of the treatments your Manassas, VA, dentist, Dr. Thao Bui-Nguyen, provides, offers important benefits for your smile. Here's how bonding can improve your smile.

Bonding repairs damaged teeth

Do you have a chip at the bottom of one of your teeth? Bonding offers a simple way to repair the damage. Bonding involves adding composite resin, a flexible, plastic-and-glass-based material to your tooth to fill in the chip. After the composite resin is applied to your tooth, your dentist shapes it to ensure that the repaired area looks perfectly natural. Curing the resin with a special light bonds it to your tooth. Bonding can also be used to repair minor cracks in your tooth enamel.

Got a tooth flaw? Dental bonding can fix it

Whether you have a discolored tooth or the surface of your enamel is a little bumpy, bonding can enhance your appearance. During your visit to the Manassas, VA, dental office, your dentist uses a shade of composite resin that closely matches your tooth color. Once the material is applied and hardened, the treated area will blend in with your smile.

Bonding makes fillings practically invisible

Composite resin is also used to provide tooth-colored fillings. In addition to being more attractive, these fillings strengthen teeth that have been damaged by tooth decay.

Gaps disappear after bonding

Even a small gap between your teeth can make you feel self-conscious. Fortunately, adding a little bonding material to your teeth can completely transform your appearance.

Dental bonding is an excellent solution if wear and tear shortens your teeth

Teeth can become a little shorter due to wear and tear or grinding or clenching your teeth. In addition to affecting the appearance of your smile, short teeth may also change your bite in some cases. Bonding lengthens teeth, helping you avoid smile issues.

Bonding changes the shape of unattractive teeth

Teeth aren't always perfectly uniform. Some may be uniquely shaped, crooked, twisted, or pointed. Bonding improves tooth shape and can help boost your self-confidence.

Could dental bonding help your smile? Call your dentist in Manassas, VA, Dr. Bui-Nguyen, at (703) 361-3261 to schedule your appointment.

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8557 Sudley Rd Manassas, VA 20110-3811

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Cosmetic Dentist in Manassas, VA


8:30 am-5:00 pm


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