Signs That You May Need Oral Surgery

Find out if your oral health could benefit from surgery.

Dental OperationWhile you probably won’t be able to determine whether or not you could benefit from getting oral surgery without turning to our Westlake, OH, dentist Dr. Scott Sazima for a consultation, you may be wondering what some of the warning signs are that may mean it’s time to consider surgery. You may benefit from oral surgery if you are dealing with,

Tooth Loss

No matter how you’ve lost a tooth, whether from an infection or an accident, it’s important that you turn to our Westlake, OH, restorative dentist to replace the missing tooth as soon as possible. Of course, many people are turning to dental implants because they both look and function just like real teeth.

To get an implant you will need to undergo minor surgery in order to place the implant into the jawbone. While there are other tooth replacements out there that do not require surgery, if you are interested in getting implants then you’ll need surgery.

Bone Loss

There are several reasons why you might be dealing with jawbone deterioration. Of course, the most common causes are untreated tooth loss and gum disease. If you are dealing with substantial bone loss then you may want to consider getting bone grafting surgery to rebuild the jawbone.

This surgery will be particularly beneficial for those patients who are also interested in getting dental implants to replace missing teeth. The purpose of bone grafting is to transplant healthy new bone to areas that have diseased or damaged bone to stimulate the development of new bone cells.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

At some point during your teens or early twenties our dentist may tell you that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. That’s because this third and final set of molars often cause more harm than good for your smile. Sometimes they grow in crooked, putting pressure on neighboring teeth and causing damage or increasing your chances for cavities.

Impacted wisdom teeth simply means that they never full erupt through the gums, which can also increase your chances for an infection. In this case, the best approach is to remove the wisdom teeth through a simple surgery in which we open up the gums to remove your wisdom teeth.

Do you have questions about getting oral surgery in Westlake, OH? Do you want to find out whether surgery could improve your oral health? If so, call Westlake Priodontics today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sazima.

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