When is an Extraction Necessary?

Tooth ExtractionThough a tooth extraction is normally a last resort treatment for damaged or decayed teeth, they are sometimes necessary to save your smile. However, understanding when your dentist may use an extraction to repair your smile can help you determine if this is the best course of treatment for you. Find out more about when an extraction becomes necessary with Dr. Leslie Bonner at The Bonner Dental Network in Downtown Washington, DC.

Do I need an extraction? 
In most cases, dentists will only suggest extraction if other procedures like a filling or root canal cannot work to repair a broken, damaged, or heavily decayed tooth. Some of the signs a tooth is too far gone for dentists to correct with other methods include a severe toothache or a broken tooth. You may also need an extraction if you have an impacted tooth which has grown in sideways and not erupted from the gums. In other cases, dentists may extract a tooth to make room for the surrounding teeth to move, often before orthodontic treatment.

What can I expect during an extraction? 
Before your extraction, your dentist will use x-rays to fully understand the tooth’s situation and exactly how they should extract it. An extraction procedure always begins with administering a local anesthetic to numb the area of the tooth to ensure that the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during their treatment. Your dentist will use specialized tools to carefully rock your tooth out of its socket and remove it from the bone. If your tooth is impacted, your dentist will open the gum tissue to reach the tooth and remove it before closing the gum tissue with stitches.

Tooth Extraction in Downtown Washington, DC
If you think you need a tooth extraction, you should speak to your dentist as soon as possible. Putting off an extraction can result in serious issues and discomfort. After your extraction, be sure to follow your dentist’s care instructions carefully. For more information on extractions, please contact Dr. Bonner at The Bonner Dental Network in Downtown Washington, DC. Call (202) 249-9131 to schedule your appointment today!

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