Different Dental Procedures

Cosmetic dentistry is a priceless facet of general dentistry, allowing you to rejuvenate your smile with only a few dental procedures. FindingDental Implants, Invisalign, Cosmetic Dentistry the right procedure for you could be as easy as asking your dentist about cosmetic dentistry and what it can do for your smile. Find out more about some common procedures with Dr. Leslie Bonner at The Bonner Dental Network at one of two Washington, DC locations.

What is cosmetic dentistry? 
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the look of your smile. Some procedures kill two birds with one stone, improving both the aesthetics and functionality of your smile while others simply give you a smile you will love. Dentists can choose to undergo additional training in cosmetic dentistry procedures to further their education on the subject or gather the most up-to-date information.

Invisalign is a form of orthodontic treatment which, unlike traditional braces, offers a quick and discreet way to improve your smile. The process treats the same issues as traditional braces, but uses clear aligner trays rather than metal brackets and wires, allowing you to straighten your smile and correct your bite issues. Patients remove Invisalign’s trays to eat and brush their teeth, making this method of orthodontic care the most convenient and effortless on the market.

Dental Implants 
Dental implants replace a missing tooth. Unlike other tooth replacement options like dental bridges, implants also replace a missing tooth’s root. This is crucial in providing the bone with the stimulation it requires to avoid atrophy and remain healthy. Dental implants require several dental appointments to complete but last a lifetime with the proper care. Implants are touted as the most efficient and permanent tooth replacement procedure available.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Washington, DC
Whether you want to completely renew or simply tweak a small part of your smile, cosmetic dentistry can help you. For more information on Invisalign, dental implants, or cosmetic dentistry in general, please contact Dr. Leslie Bonner at The Bonner Dental Network with locations on 17th street and 20th street in Washington, DC. Call to schedule an appointment today.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm




Open Select Saturdays for Patient Treatment only.

