Straighten Your Smile Discreetly

At Bonner Dental Network in Washington, DC, Dr. Leslie Bonner offers in-demand Invisalign aligners. They're the discreet, comfortable way to straighten crooked smiles. Clear, thin and removable, these orthodontic appliances do their jobs in about half the time conventional braces take. Are you interested in healthy, beautiful teeth for life?

Since 1997...

Invisalign aligners have corrected a variety of smile alignment problems worldwide for more than 20 years, says the American Dental Association (ADA). Appropriate for teens and adults, these acrylic appliances fit snugly over top and bottom arches. Slowly but surely, they move teeth, closing gaps, correcting bite problems, eliminating crowding and more. In his Washington office, Dr. Bonner creates customized Invisalign treatment plans and follows his patients through to their completed smiles and beyond.

Here's how Invisalign works

Through special three-dimensional imaging, your dentist shows you exactly how your smile will change, step by step and aligner by aligner. You wear each acrylic appliance pair for two weeks and then switch to the next one in the treatment sequence. Because the appliances are fully removable, you simply eat, brush and floss as you usually do without any dietary restrictions or complex hygiene procedures. Also, you check in with Dr. Bonner at his Washington office monthly to receive your next sets of Invisalign aligners.

Do you have any questions? 

Many people ask if Invisalign aligners are truly effective. The truth is that Invisalign successfully corrects everything from tooth tipping and overbite to overjet and wide smile gaps. However, very complex smile alignment issues and jaw development problems do require traditional metal or ceramic braces and other interventions. Additionally, children cannot use Invisalign as their jaw structure is not fully developed, and their adult teeth are not completely erupted.

In addition, other people wonder if it's difficult to follow the treatment plan. As long as you wear your aligners for the prescribed 20 to 22 hours per day, your plan will stay on track, and you'll finish on time. Plus, as you wear your aligners, no one will notice them unless you tell them. You will feel confident about how you look.

Find out more

At Bonner Dental Network in Washington, our professional team loves seeing patients with healthy, confident smiles. If you'd like to know if Invisalign aligners could help you have that great smile, contact us for a personalized consultation with Dr. Leslie Bonner. Call (202) 249-9131.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm




Open Select Saturdays for Patient Treatment only.

