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  • Ankle Sprain Treatment (Care of the Young Athlete)

    Acute ankle and foot injuries are common in athletes and other active young people. Sprains account for the greatest number of acute injuries.

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  • Antibiotics Aren't Always Needed

    Parents need to know that using antibiotics when they are not the right medicine will not help and may even cause harm to children.

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  • Asthma

    Asthma (AZZ-muh) is a disease of the breathing tubes that carry air to the lungs. The linings of the tubes swell, and they fill up with mucus (MYOO-kus). This is called inflammation (in-fluh-MAY-shun). It makes the tubes get narrow. This makes it hard to breathe.

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  • Asthma Triggers

    Things that cause asthma (AZZ-muh) attacks or make asthma worse are called triggers. Asthma triggers can be found in your home, your child's school, child care, and other people's homes.

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  • Asthma and Exercise (Care of the Young Athlete)

    Almost every child (and adult) with asthma can benefit from sports and physical activity. Also, asthma should not prevent young athletes from enjoying a full athletic career. The following is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics

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  • Asthma and Your Child

    This handout informs parents about asthma, including information about asthma symptoms, triggers, treatments, medicines, and how to communicate with your child's school.

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