Rebuild Your Smile with Dental Implants

Nothing beats real teeth for appearance, biting, chewing, and bone health. However, if you lose one or more teeth, you have a wonderful way to fill gaps and keep your jaw strong. Rebuild your smile with dental implants from Riverside Family Dental in Clinton Township, MI. Offered by your dentist, Dr. Ramakrishna Nallapaneni, read on to learn more about what this restorative treatment can do for you.

What's so amazing about dental implants?

Surgically placed by your dentist right here in our Clinton Township office, dental implants completely replace missing teeth, from the crown up top to the roots below the gum line. The implant device itself is screw-like and crafted from biocompatible titanium. Placed in the jaw, a dental implant bonds with the bone, forming an inseparable connection. This interaction is called osseointegration.

Additionally, dental implants offer great hope to people who have lost several or even all of their teeth. Placed in an even number in the upper or lower jaw, dental implants anchor bridges or full dentures, offering stability and oral function unmatched by other dental prosthetics.

The implant consultation and treatment

At Riverside Family Dental, Dr. Nallapaneni will examine your smile gaps and perform specialized scans to determine your bone health. He'll review your medical history, too. Most teens and adults qualify for dental implant placement.

Once qualified, the insertion of a single-tooth implant takes just one in-office treatment. Performed with local anesthetic, the oral surgery is brief and installs the device below the gums into the bone. Following this installation, the implant will bond with the jawbone over the course of 3 to 6 months. After this period, your implant site should be ready to accept a metal post and porcelain crown to finish your new tooth.

Caring for dental implants

Simply brush twice a day, floss once daily, and see Dr. Nallapaneni for a cleaning and exam every six months. Eat whatever healthy foods you normally enjoy, and drink plenty of water. When implant sites are free of plaque and tartar, they thrive and stay strong.

You should, however, avoid all tobacco, as this substance damages the gums and bone, making it one of the few risks for implant failure.

Rebuild your smile

Contact Riverside Family Dental in Clinton Township, MI, to ask about our dental implant procedures. Give your smile the second chance it deserves by making an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Ramakrishna Nallapaneni: (586) 468-0983.

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