Struggling with Sinus Infections? We Can Help

Dr. Brent Driskill, your ENT doctor in San Diego, Hillcrest, CA, provides several services at his office. He helps people suffering from several problems, including sinus infections, sinusitis, which is a common condition that about 28 million Americans are diagnosed with, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

What is a sinus infection?

This is when soft tissues of facial cavities become inflamed. Sinusitis has two categories: acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis is because of allergies or environmental pollutants, and chronic sinusitis lasts longer than 12 weeks.

Sinusitis occurs due to several things: Allergies to pet dander inflame sinuses and cause a blockage. Nasal polyps are growths that block the airway. A deviated septum is when your nasal septum becomes crooked, and, again, restricts the airway. Respiratory infections like a cold inflame sinuses.

What are the symptoms of a sinus infection?

You may want to consult our ENT doctor in San Diego, Hillcrest, for a diagnosis but here are some things to look out for:

  • nasal congestion or obstruction of nasal airway
  • pain and tenderness around eyes
  • difficulty breathing through the nose
  • colored discharge from the nose and ear pain
  • coughing and a sore throat
  • fatigue and nausea

How do you treat sinus infections?

People more likely to suffer from sinus infections are those who already suffer from asthma, seasonal allergies, a nasal abnormality, like a deviated septum, immune system disorder, or regular exposure to pollutants.

Treatments include nasal irrigation using saline sprays and nasal corticosteroids; antibiotics are the standard treatment to combat bacterial sinus infections; topical nasal decongestants; immunotherapy and antihistamines; or surgery for severe cases.

Do you need Sinus infection treatment? Contact Dr. Brent Driskill, your ENT doctor in San Diego, Hillcrest, CA, at (619) 294-2350 to set up an appointment today.

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8:30 am-4:00 pm


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