Signs That You May Be Experiencing Hearing Loss

Hearing loss usually starts gradually and may only cause minor changes in your life at first. If everyone seems to be mumbling these days, or you have difficulty hearing the dialogue when you watch TV, then you may have a problem with your hearing. Fortunately, Dr. Brent Driskill, your ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor at Hillcrest Ear, Nose and Throat in San Diego, CA, can help you determine if you're suffering from hearing loss.

Common Hearing Loss Signs

Nearly everyone experiences some hearing loss as they grow older. Hearing problems can also occur due to exposure to loud noises, injuries, medication side effects, or certain diseases or illnesses. You may have hearing loss if you've experienced one or more of these signs:

  • Participating in Conversations is Difficult: Do you often have to ask people to speak up, stop mumbling, or repeat themselves? If the problem happens often, hearing loss may be to blame. Hearing loss can also make it difficult to hold a conversation with someone who is in another room.
  • You Avoid Talking on the Telephone: You may unwittingly be relying on lip-reading to pick up dropped words when you talk to people in person. When you can't see the other person, following the conversation can be difficult or impossible.
  • Watching TV Is Frustrating: Following the plot of TV shows becomes much more challenging if you have hearing loss. You may find it hard to hear the dialogue over the background music or may need to turn up the volume much higher than usual. The same problem can occur when you visit the movie theater.
  • Misunderstandings at Home or Work Are a Frequent Problem: When you can't hear well, you may misunderstand instructions from your supervisor or miss key points during meetings. Family members may accuse you of ignoring their requests or comments when you simply didn't hear them due to your hearing loss.

How Your San Diego ENT Can Help You

In some cases, treating an underlying disease or condition can improve your hearing. If your problem occurs due to damaged hair cells in your inner ear, a hearing aid may help improve your hearing. The aids increase sound and decrease background noise. Large, bulky hearing aids aren't the only options today. In fact, some types fit in your ear canal and are barely noticeable.

Concerned about Hearing Loss? Contact Us 

Address your hearing issues today—call your ENT in San Diego, CA, Dr. Driskill of Hillcrest Ear, Nose and Throat at (619) 294-2350 to schedule an appointment.

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