Crown Lengthening for a Less Gummy Smile

Our smile is typically the very first impression we get to make and a healthy smile can do wonders for you. Many of us are often left feeling self-conscious if in spite of our good dental habits we have a gummy smile. Your London, ON, cosmetic dentists can help correct this issue. There are a few options available and among these, a popular one is crown lengthening. The procedure can reduce the prominence of the gum tissue in our smiles. To learn more about it and whether you would be a good candidate, contact Dr. Rand Luka and Dr. Alyson Kohlmeier of Luka Dental Care.

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is usually used when there is not enough tooth structure to hold a dental crown. This can happen when teeth have been damaged by either injury or decay. The procedure has also proven to be a good solution for gummy smiles.

How It Works

If during a visit to the dentist's office you've seen an anatomy poster of what your tooth looks like, you'll notice that there is much more of it beneath the gum line. The way crown lengthening works is by exposing more of the tooth by reducing gum tissue, and sometimes bone, so that a crown can be attached. The result is a smile with less gum tissue on display.

Cosmetic Dentistry in London, ON

Crown lengthening can revitalize the way you look and feel if a gummy smile is a concern for you. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Luka and Dr. Kohlmeier of Luka Dental Care in London, ON, Canada, by dialing (519) 472-4460.

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10:00 am-7:00 pm


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8:00 am-5:00 pm





