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  • Newborn Hearing Screening and Your Baby

    Before you bring your newborn home from the hospital, your baby needs to have a hearing screening.

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  • Pneumococcal Infections

    Meningitis (brain), Bacteremia (bloodstream), Pneumonia (lungs), Sinusitis (sinus membranes), and Otitis media (ears). These infections can be dangerous to very young children, the elderly, and people with certain high-risk health conditions.

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  • Protect Your Child From Poison

    Children can get very sick if they come in contact with medicines, household products, pesticides, chemicals, or cosmetics. This can happen at any age and can cause serious reactions. However, most children who come in contact with these things are not permanently hurt if they are treated right away.

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  • Protect Your Child…Prevent Poisoning

    Young children may put anything in their mouths. This is part of learning. Many household products can be poisonous if swallowed, if in contact with the skin or eyes, or if inhaled.

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  • Protect Yourself and Help Protect Your Baby: Information for New Moms on the Tdap Vaccine

    Congratulations on your new baby! Your baby is the greatest gift you will ever receive. One of your biggest jobs as a parent is to keep your child safe and healthy. One way do this is to make sure your children get all the immunizations they need to protect them from different diseases. But did you know

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  • Ratings: Making Healthy Media Choices

    Research has shown that children are influenced by what they see and hear, especially at very young ages. To help parents make informed choices about what their children see and hear, many entertainment companies use ratings systems. Ratings give parents more information about the content of television

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  • Right From the Start: ABCs of Good Nutrition for Young Children

    As a parent, you are interested in your child's health. Your role is to provide healthy food in appropriate portions, and your child's role is to decide how much to eat. That is why it is important to understand how to provide healthy choices for your child.

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  • Safe Sleep and Your Baby: How Parents Can Reduce the Risk of SIDS and Suffocation

    Many infants die during sleep from unsafe sleep environments. Some of these deaths are from entrapment, suffocation, and strangulation. Some infants die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). However, there are ways for parents to keep their sleeping baby safe.

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  • Safety of Blood Transfusions

    Because of illness or injury, some children need to receive transfusions of blood and blood products. This procedure may be frightening for parents and their children. Many parents are also concerned about the safety of transfusions. While blood supply in the United States is considered very safe, parents

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  • Sinusitis and Your Child

    Sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining of the nose and sinuses. It is a very common infection in children.

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  • Sleep Problems in Children

    Sleep problems are very common during the first few years of life. Problems may include waking up during the night, not wanting to go to sleep, nightmares, sleepwalking, and bedwetting. If frantic upset persists with no apparent cause, call your child's doctor.

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  • Sleep Problems: Your Child’s Sleep Diary

    Children differ in how much sleep they need, how long it takes them to fall asleep, and how easily they wake up. If you are concerned about your child’s sleep habits, talk with your child’s doctor. Your child’s doctor may ask you to keep a sleep diary to help track your child’s sleep habits.

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  • Sleeping Well: Tips for Parents of Babies and Young Children

    Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics to help ensure a good night’s sleep for children—and parents too!

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  • Start Reading to Your Child Early

    A baby can enjoy books by 6 months of age! Here are things you can do with your child at different ages to help your child learn to love words and books.

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  • Starting Solid Foods

    Rice, oatmeal, or barley? What infant cereal or other food will be on the menu for your baby's first solid meal? And have you set a date?

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  • Temper Tantrums

    It's hard for a young child to hold strong feelings inside. Young children often cry, scream, or stomp up and down when they are upset. As a parent, you may feel angry, helpless, or ashamed.

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