Understanding Cosmetic Dermatology Consultations

Dermatologists are the skin experts you can turn to whenever you have concerns regarding both the health and the appearance of your skin. While the health of your skin remains an important aspect of your care, cosmetic dermatology will typically focus on treatments that can help you look and feel better. You can learn more about what cosmetic dermatology means by reaching out to your local experts at Anders Dermatology in Toledo, OH.

Cosmetic Dermatology

Cosmetic dermatology can help improve the appearance of your skin by providing a wide variety of treatments that can address a myriad of issues. Issues such as signs of aging, scarring, and pigmentation problems, among many others.

Your dermatologist can also help with unwanted hair removal by providing treatments like laser hair removal and waxing, as well as offering innovative body-sculpting treatments like truSculpt iD.

But to learn what type of treatment will best benefit your individual needs it's important to meet with your doctor for a cosmetic dermatologist consultation.

Cosmetic Dermatologist Consultations

A consultation is a conversation between you and your provider, you can speak with them about your expectations and after performing a physical evaluation and going over your health history they can recommend the treatments that may be right for you.

With your input, they can develop a treatment plan that can help meet your goals.

There are many benefits to consulting with a skin health expert if you're exploring over-the-counter aesthetic treatments. All the procedures are personalized to your treatment plan and are performed in the safe and professional setting of a doctor's office.

Cosmetic Dermatology in Toledo, OH

If you're interested in the many benefits of cosmetic dermatology and you live in or near the area of Toledo, OH, you can schedule a consultation with Anders Dermatology by dialing (419) 473-3257.

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Anders Dermatology Inc


7:30 AM-4:30 PM


7:30 AM-4:30 PM


7:30 AM-4:30 PM


7:30 AM-4:30 PM


7:30 AM-4:30 PM



