Influenza Info

Flu-like illness for Georgia is now moderate _ 6 on a scale of 1-10, and Flu geographic distribution is sporadic. There have been 0 confirmed influenza-associated deaths, but 39 influenza-associated hospitalizations in the eight county metro Atlanta area so far this season.

This time last year Georgia had an intensity of minimal, 3 on a scale of 1-10, and the Georgia geographical distribution was also sporadic.  There had been 0 confirmed influenza-associated deaths and only 24 influenza-associated hospitalizations in the eight county metro Atlanta area at that point in the season.

Flu is building up in Georgia at the present time. It is still NOT TOO LATE to get protective Flu vaccines. The worst of Winter lies ahead of us. There is no way to know when or if the Flu will hit with a fury or in multiple waves of illness before Spring returns.

I do have some flu vaccine left in stock. You are welcome to contact me if you wish a Flu shot in the next few weeks. If not from me, please consider your local pharmacy or minute clinic or county Public Health Department.

Children's HealthCare of Atlanta and some other Atlanta-area hospitals are seeing a rise of respiratory viruses and GI viruses, which are challenging already high inpaitent, ICU and Emergency department volumes. Children's reminds us that public support during this busy time is critical to our community's ability to provide high-quality care for all patients, most especially those whose needs are immediate health care.

Best regards,

Dr. T

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