Emory University's COVID-19 Symptom/Risk checker & ATL Mayor & GA Governor Stay-at-Home Order of 3/23/2020

Check your risk for COVID‑19

Based on best clinical practices, CDC guidelines, illness severity and risk factors like age and pre-existing conditions.

The services and information offered on c19check.com (the “Website”) are designed for educational purposes by Vital Software, in cooperation with Emory University and others, and are not intended to provide or be used for the diagnosis or treatment of disease or other conditions, including COVID-19. The guidance you receive depends on the accuracy of the information you provide as well as current guidelines for responding to symptoms associated with the novel coronavirus COVID-19.

The services on the Website do not constitute the practice of medicine or any other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. Reliance on the services and information provided by the Website is solely at your own risk.

This service is for age 18 years and above. Click here: https://c19check.com/start

Yesterday (3/23/2020), Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, in consultation with Emory Healthcare and other healthcare partners, announced a 14-day “stay-at-home” executive order. As a result, Atlanta residents are directed to stay inside their homes for the 14-day period except to access essential services. Healthcare services are considered essential, therefore Emory Healthcare employees who reside within the Atlanta city limits are considered exempt. We wholeheartedly applaud Mayor Bottoms' initiative and foresight in enacting this order.
0856902001585059695.jpgIn addition, Governor Brian Kemp, announced several measures aimed directly at flattening the curve, including
 a ban on gatherings of more than 10 people, the shuttering of bars and nightclubs throughout the state and a shelter-in-place order for “medically fragile” residents.
Over the last several weeks, a team of Emory experts has been in conversation with local and state government. Emory stands beside them in these decisions and thank them for their leadership and support of frontline healthcare workers.
These new orders reflect the urgency needed to slow the spread of the virus – “flatten the curve” – and preserve hospital capacity throughout the region by temporarily limiting the number of social interactions.    
Emory Healthcare locations will remain open
While these new efforts will affect friends, family and neighbors here in Atlanta and throughout Georgia, these decisions will aid Emory's team members who are playing a critical role in helping the community address our public health needs during this pandemic. Emory Healthcare locations will remain open and ready to serve patients and help meet the urgent healthcare needs of the region.
For additional clarity, healthcare workers going to and from their place of work are exempt. This includes both Emory's bedside caregivers, such as nurses and physicians, as well as their essential support personnel, such as environmental services, food & nutrition and others who are working at Emory's facilities and not telecommuting.

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