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  • Choosing Over-the-Counter Medicines for Your Child

    “Over-the-counter” (OTC) means you can buy the medicine without a doctor's prescription. Talk with your child's doctor or pharmacist* before giving your child any medicine, especially the first time.

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  • Choosing the Right Size Bicycle for Your Child

    A bicycle of the wrong size may cause your child to lose control and be injured. Any bike must be the correct size for the child for whom it is bought. To keep your child safe, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following:

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  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Diagnosed or Suspected

    Information and guidance for exposure (close contact) to a person with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection.

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  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention

    Information and guidance on preventing COVID-19 infection.

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  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) or Influenza - How to Tell

    Information and guidance on similarities and differences of COVID-19 and influenza infections.

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  • Cyberbullying: What Parents Need to Know

    Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about cyberbullying and what parents can do to keep online socializing healthy for their children.

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  • Dangers of Secondhand Smoke

    Even if you don’t smoke, breathing in someone else’s smoke can be deadly too. Secondhand smoke causes about 3,000 deaths from lung cancer and tens of thousands of deaths from heart disease to nonsmoking adults in the United States each year.

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  • Deciding to Wait

    No matter what you've heard, read, or seen, not everyone your age is having sex, including oral sex and intercourse. In fact, more than half of all teens choose to wait until they're older to have sex. If you have already had sex but are unsure if you should again, then wait before having sex again.

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  • Decorative Contact Lenses: What Teens and Parents Need to Know

    Decorative contact lenses are considered medical devices. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees their safety and effectiveness, just like regular contact lenses. But changing the look of your eyes with decorative contact lenses could cause a lot of damage to your eyesight. Read more from

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  • Dental Caries (Early Childhood Caries, Tooth Decay, or Cavities)—Child Care and Schools

    Early childhood caries (commonly called cavities) is the most common chronic disease of childhood. Caries are the result of an infectious disease process that damages tooth structure and makes holes in the teeth. The consequences of early childhood caries are much more than unattractive teeth. Early

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