As the summer heats up here in Peoria, Arizona, it’s crucial for those with diabetes to give extra attention to foot care. High temperatures and outdoor activities can pose additional risks, but with a few simple precautions, you can keep your feet healthy and enjoy the season safely.

Keep Your Feet Clean and Dry

Summer often means sweaty feet, so make sure to wash your feet daily with lukewarm water and mild soap. After washing, dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes, to prevent fungal infections.

Inspect Your Feet Daily

Make it a daily routine to check your feet for any signs of cuts, blisters, redness, or swelling. Use a mirror or ask for help if you can’t see all parts of your feet. Early detection of problems is key to avoiding complications.

Wear Proper Footwear

Select well-fitting, breathable shoes that offer good support. Avoid walking barefoot, even indoors, to minimize the risk of cuts and infections. When you’re at the beach or pool, wear water shoes to protect your feet from hot surfaces and sharp objects.

Apply Sunscreen

Remember to apply sunscreen to your feet when wearing sandals or open-toed shoes. Sunburn can cause significant damage, particularly to diabetic skin, which is more prone to complications.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin hydrated and prevents dryness and cracking. Proper hydration also enhances overall circulation, which is vital for maintaining healthy feet.

Moisturize Regularly

Use a high-quality moisturizer on your feet daily to keep them soft and prevent cracking. Avoid applying lotion between your toes, as excess moisture in those areas can lead to fungal infections.

Trim Your Nails Carefully

Cut your toenails straight across and file the edges to prevent ingrown toenails. If you have difficulty trimming your nails or if they are thickened, visit us for professional foot care.

Manage Your Blood Sugar

Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is essential to prevent nerve damage and circulatory issues that can affect your feet. Follow your doctor’s advice on medication, diet, and exercise to keep your blood sugar under control.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Protect your feet from extreme heat by not walking barefoot on hot sand, pavement, or concrete. Always test water temperatures before entering to avoid burns; use your elbow or a thermometer to check the water.

Exercise with Care

Engage in safe physical activities that don’t put undue stress on your feet. Swimming and biking are excellent low-impact options. Always wear appropriate footwear and avoid activities that could lead to foot injuries.

When to Seek Help

If you notice any signs of infection, cuts that don’t heal, or significant changes in your feet, contact us immediately. Prompt treatment is essential to prevent serious complications.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the summer while keeping your feet safe and healthy. If you have any questions or need personalized advice, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Margaret Withrow or Dr. Dylan Kaumaya with Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria Arizona.  We want you to stay healthy and happy this summer!