In the sun-drenched Phoenix metro area, where sunlight graces us nearly 365 days a year, applying sunscreen is a necessity year-round. But have you considered the importance of protecting your feet from harmful UV rays? Here at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle, we emphasize the significance of comprehensive sun protection, including often-overlooked areas like your feet.

The Importance of Sunscreen for Your Feet

Sunscreen is your first line of defense against the sun's powerful ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can cause severe skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. While many people remember to apply sunscreen to their face, arms, and legs, the feet are frequently neglected. Given Arizona's sunny climate, ensuring your feet are protected is crucial. Skin cancer doesn't discriminate; it can develop anywhere on your body, including areas that are less exposed to sunlight.

Recognizing Skin Cancer on Your Feet

Skin cancer can manifest in various forms, with melanoma being one of the most dangerous due to its potential to spread throughout the body. It’s essential to monitor moles on your feet for any suspicious changes. Here are some guidelines, commonly referred to as the ABCDEs, to help you identify potentially cancerous moles:

  • A – Asymmetry: Non-cancerous moles are typically symmetrical. If one half of the mole does not match the other, it could be a sign of cancer.
  • B – Border: Look for moles with irregular or poorly defined borders. Healthy moles usually have smooth, even edges.
  • C – Color: Watch out for moles that have multiple colors or an uneven distribution of color, such as different shades of brown, black, or tan.
  • D – Diameter: Moles larger than a pencil eraser (about 6mm) should be checked by a doctor, as larger moles have a higher risk of being cancerous.
  • E – Evolution: Any changes in a mole’s size, shape, color, or behavior (such as bleeding or itching) should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

What to Do If You Suspect Skin Cancer

If you notice any of these changes in a mole on your foot, it’s imperative to consult a doctor immediately. Early detection is key in the effective treatment of skin cancer. A healthcare professional can perform a thorough examination and, if necessary, remove the mole for further analysis. Treatment often involves the surgical removal of the cancerous or pre-cancerous tissue.

Stay Protected with Roadrunner Foot and Ankle

At Roadrunner Foot and Ankle, your health and safety are our top priorities. We encourage you to incorporate sunscreen into your daily routine, paying special attention to your feet. Protect yourself from the harmful effects of UV radiation and reduce your risk of skin cancer by making sunscreen a part of your comprehensive foot care regimen.

For more tips on foot health and to schedule a check-up with Dr. Margaret Withrow or Dr. Dylan Kaumaya at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria Arizona. Your feet deserve the best care, and we are here to provide it.