Dental Services



At Central Park Dental we believe that routine check-ups are one of the best tools you can use for the protection of your teeth and gums. Regular exams and cleanings can prevent advanced stages of tooth decay and gum disease, while procedures such as sealants and fluoride treatments can stop some dental issues before they have a chance to develop. At Central Park Dental, we offer a variety of procedures and treatments that can help you keep your teeth, maintain good oral health, and serve as the foundation for a strong and beautiful smile.

If you have questions, or if you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.

Dental Exams & X-Rays
As part of your routine check-up Dr. Jung will perform an oral exam. The purpose of this is exam is to screen for any cavities, tooth fractures, plaque or pockets of bacteria along the gums, occlusion issues, or other irregularities that may have developed since your last visit. Digital x-rays are used to help detect issues that may not be visible on the surface of the teeth. Dr. Jung recommends diligence in scheduling your routine check-ups twice a year to improve the chance of early detection. Earlier detection of minor dental concerns can lead to prompt treatment, prevent more serious conditions from developing, save you the expense of more costly procedures, and help you maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Periodontal Exams & Charting
Periodontal (gum) disease may not show early symptoms. As the disease continues to affect your gums, you may eventually experience red, sensitive, swollen, or bleeding gums. If the condition is allowed to worsen, your gum tissue can recede or your teeth may begin to shift. Periodontal exams are used to check the health of the gums and help ensure they are free of disease. If you are suffering from periodontal disease, Dr. Jung can use state-of-the-art dental technology to help resolve your condition and prevent more severe consequences such as tooth loss and even risks to your overall health.

Dental Cleanings
Dr. Jung considers brushing, flossing, and rinsing twice a day essential routines for keeping your mouth healthy. To supplement these routine safeguards for oral health, Dr. Jung also recommends professional dental cleanings twice a year. Dental cleanings can be combined with your routine oral exam and help maintain your oral health, as well as prevent future dental issues.

Fluoride Treatment
Though fluoride treatments are most commonly associated with children, they can be just as beneficial for adults. Our professional-strength fluoride rinses can prevent tooth decay when performed twice a year. These rinses are much more powerful than over-the-counter fluoride products and can be used to protect your teeth between dental visits.

To help guard your teeth against cavities, Dr. Jung uses sealants as a preventive treatment. Sealants are made of a tooth-colored material and are bonded to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. These surfaces are full of crevices and ridges that can foster bacteria, and sealants can protect your teeth from future bacteria growth. Though sealants are typically used for children, adults can equally benefit from this treatment..

Contact Us
To learn more about our oral exams, dental cleanings, and preventive treatments, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office today. Our location in conveniently located in Arlington, Texas and central to the surrounding areas of South Arlington, Mansfield, Kennedale, Grand Prairie and Fort Worth.


Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is a vital component to achieving a beautiful smile. At Central Park Dental, our general dentistry practices incorporate tooth-colored material for inconspicuous fillings, crowns, and sealants. Before you enhance your smile with treatments such as porcelain veneers or teeth whitening Dr. Jung recommends beginning with strong, cavity-free teeth.

Tooth-Colored Fillings
Tooth-colored fillings are made from a composite resin that matches the shade of a natural tooth. After eliminating any decay and cleaning the tooth’s surface, these fillings are bonded into place. In addition to the cosmetic benefits of tooth-colored fillings, the composite resin helps protect your teeth from more complicated dental issues. Unlike silver or mercury amalgam alternatives, which can actually lead to future cracks and gaps that harbor harmful bacteria, tooth-colored fillings can strengthen teeth and prevent cracks while also maintaining the natural appearance of the tooth.

Tooth-Colored (All Porcelain) Crowns
Tooth-colored crowns are designed to protect damaged teeth. Using a porcelain crown (sometimes called a cap) that fits snugly over the compromised tooth, imperfections such as cracks or chips are hidden. Unlike traditional metal crowns that can show through their porcelain coating, all porcelain crowns restore functionality and strengthen the teeth while also mimicking the color, contour, and surface texture of your natural teeth.

Gum Grafting
For individuals who have had serious gum disease, a certain degree of gum recession is not uncommon. When this occurs, the roots of the teeth can be exposed, leading to a much greater chance of bacterial invasion, progression of periodontal disease, and potential tooth loss. Central Park Dental offers gum grafting treatment to restore lost tissue, prevent further gum loss in the future, and minimize the risk of tooth decay. Gum grafting can also have the added benefit of improving the appearance of your gums, giving you a healthier-looking smile!

Contact Us
To learn more about how Dr. Jung and Central Park Dental can help you fix and protect your teeth, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today. Our location in conveniently located in Arlington, Texas and central to the surrounding areas of South Arlington, Mansfield, Kennedale, Grand Prairie and Fort Worth.


Missing teeth may not simply be a cosmetic concern. Spaces and gaps in your smile can significantly impact your health and overall quality of life. Replacing missing teeth can restore the functionality of your mouth, improving your speech and the ability to chew with ease. When left untreated, missing teeth can also lead to more serious – and costly – dental problems. At Central Park Dental, our tooth replacement techniques can rejuvenate your smile with beautiful, natural-looking results.

Dental Implants
Dental Implants can provide a stable and permanent solution for missing teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, dental implants are securely fixed in place with a titanium “root” and finished with a porcelain crown. Dental implants do not require any adhesives, do not need any special care, are designed to look and function like your natural teeth, and are becoming one of the most popular methods of tooth replacement at our practice.

Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are another effective method of replacing missing teeth. Using durable, tooth-colored materials, a dental bridge is designed to blend in seamlessly with the rest of your teeth for a natural look. To secure your dental bridge in place, the replacement tooth or teeth will be secured using a pair of dental crowns on the adjacent teeth. Afterward, dental bridges can provide a stronger bite, help protect your gums, and restore the aesthetic appearance of your smile.

Full & Partial Dentures
Full or partial dentures can serve as an integral part of maintaining the function of your mouth and the appearance of your smile. Our denture options can provide you with many benefits, including:

  • Improved functionality
  • Improved occlusion
  • Minimized future bone loss
  • Minimized shifting of natural teeth

During the consultation process, Dr. Jung will help you determine which type of denture may best meet your personal needs and goals.

Traditional Dentures
Traditional dentures are designed with durable materials to replace some or all of your teeth. One of the keys to a successful traditional denture treatment is an excellent fit. Dr. Jung at Central Park Dental has the experience and expertise to provide you with natural-looking, custom-tailored dentures that can minimize slippage and maximize comfort. Traditional dentures can be an effective method of correcting a misaligned bite and restoring lost functionality while still achieving beautiful results.

An all-acrylic denture may provide a more cost-efficient means of tooth replacement compared to their metal-frame counterparts. As an added advantage, all-acrylic dentures can be quickly fabricated since they do not usually require the tooth preps necessary for metal frame dentures. These removable dentures can rejuvenate the look of your smile while still preserving the position and integrity of your natural teeth.

Implant Supported Dentures
Implant supported dentures can provide many of the same benefits as traditional dentures, with the added advantage of increased stability. These dentures are secured into place using a pair of dental implants, virtually eliminating slippage along the gums. Implant supported dentures are also considered a permanent solution and do not require the use of pastes or adhesives.

Mini dental implants (or MDIs) can offer an alternative for patients who want the stability and support of dental implants but may not be good candidates for that procedure. MDIs are less invasive, since the size of the titanium rod that acts as the tooth’s root is reduced in size. Unlike full dental implants, MDI treatments can typically be completed within a single office visit for faster results and a natural-looking smile.

Contact Us
If you would like to learn more about how Dr. Jung at Central park Dental can help you find a solution for missing teeth, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office today. Our location in conveniently located in Arlington, Texas and central to the surrounding areas of South Arlington, Mansfield, Kennedale, Grand Prairie and Fort Worth.


If you are experiencing discomfort in your teeth or gums, we can help you stop the pain. At Central park Dental we offer a number of treatments that can address the cause of your discomfort, improve the health of your teeth and gums, and allow you to speak, eat, and drink normally. Dr. Jiyoung Jung also uses state-of-the-art dental technology and offers sedation dentistry techniques to make your experience as comfortable as possible.

Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy is designed to prevent tooth loss, as well as greater harm to your overall health should an infection from a damaged tooth spread throughout the body. When infection sets in among the inner canals of the tooth, this treatment can restore the health and function of the tooth, relieve discomfort caused by the infection, and prevent further decay. Any infected tissue within the canal of the tooth root will first be removed. The nerve chamber will be sealed with a strong filling material, and a custom-designed dental crown will then be placed to enhance the strength and support of the tooth as well as its appearance.

Though the idea of root canal therapy causes many people anxiety, we offer sedation dentistry options at our office that can make you feel more at ease during the procedure. These sedation techniques allow root canal therapy to be performed more efficiently, often decrease the duration of the procedure, and reduce the pain caused by the infection. After root canal therapy, you can regain the ability to drink, chew, and speak comfortably while simultaneously preserving your natural teeth.

Extraction and Bone Grafting
On occasion, a tooth has been so damaged from extensive decay that root canal therapy will not save it. Leaving the decayed tooth in your mouth can increase the risk of more serious health condition. In these cases, Dr. Jung can perform a tooth extraction to protect the health of the gums and adjacent teeth. Tooth extraction is the last line of defense for maintaining a healthy mouth and is only recommended when absolutely necessary.

Dental implants can be used to replace extracted teeth – and have the added benefit of looking, feeling, and functioning just like natural teeth. For some patients who have suffered a significant amount of jawbone loss, bone grafting can strengthen the jawbone in preparation for a successful dental implant procedure. In addition, bone grafting can sometimes be used to strengthen tooth support and prevent the extraction of your natural tooth.

Abscess Draining
When a tooth has become seriously infected, an abscess may form. These abscesses can cause a lot of pain, and draining the abscess often results in a dramatic increase in your comfort level. Abscess draining may be combined with root canal therapy for a longer-lasting restoration of the tooth’s health and function.

Contact Us
To learn more about how Dr. Jung can help stop the pain in your teeth and gums, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today. Our location in conveniently located in Arlington, Texas and central to the surrounding areas of South Arlington, Mansfield, Kennedale, Grand Prairie and Fort Worth.

Contact Us (817) 466-1200 [email protected]

Central Park Dental and Orthodontics

Office Hours


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


By Appointment Only


7:00 am-3:30 pm


By Appointment Only

