FAQs About Sedation Dentistry

Have you been avoiding dental work because of anxiety about coming to the dentist? You can only avoid dental problems for so long, and so sedation dentistry may be the best solution for you. To learn more about sedation dentistry and how it can help you contact your Woodbridge, VA, dentists Dr. Paris Vaughn and Dr. Synthia Chowdhury of Pure Dental.

Is Sedation Dentistry for Me?

If your fear of the dentist's office is enough that you are putting off dental work then sedation dentistry may be for you. It's for anyone with a phobia for anything in the dentist's office setting, such as the smells, the sounds, and the needles.

Those for whom anesthesia is ineffective, who gag easily, or have a physical condition that makes sitting for long periods of time difficult, can also benefit from sedation.

What Are the Advantages of Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry allows you to experience your dental visits in a whole new way. It can not only eliminate the pain but can also reduce the anxiety felt throughout and depending on the type of sedation you may not remember much about the procedure itself.

It can also make long or multiple procedures possible in a single appointment, thus letting you avoid as many visits.

But perhaps the most important benefit is that sedation dentistry can make the dentist's office a less scary place and hopefully keep you coming back. Putting off dental work can often only complicate it and turn something simple into a rather intrusive procedure.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Sedation dentistry is widely used and with a very good track record as long as it is performed by someone who is qualified, just like your Woodbridge, VA, professionals who will closely monitor you throughout and after the procedure.

Always make certain that your dentist has all your medical history to ensure a safe procedure.

How Do I Learn More?

Make sure to come into the office to have the rest of your questions about sedation dentistry answered in person. Make an appointment with Dr. Vaughn and Dr. Chowdhury of Pure Dental in Woodbridge, VA, by dialing (571) 285-2577.

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