Reasons Why You May Need a Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy can be a great diagnostic tool for figuring out certain intestinal issues.

As a medical news report or general doctor may have already told you, a colonoscopy is a great preventive procedure that everyone will have to go through at some point during their lifetime. As we get older, our risk of developing colorectal cancer increases. As a result, it’s a good time to schedule your first colonoscopy with your Calabasas, CA gastroenterologist around the time you turn 50 years old. This goes for both men and women.

What is a colonoscopy?

This diagnostic procedure is the best way to fully examine and inspect the colon to check for polyps or cancer symptoms. A colonoscopy uses a small tube with a camera attached to the end that can run the full length of the colon so that our GI doctor can easily determine the cause of your gastrointestinal symptoms.

Who should be getting one?

If you come in complaining of abdominal pain or you notice blood in your stool, then a colonoscopy may be the best way to check for polyps, irritable bowel syndrome, or other intestinal problems. Of course, even if someone isn’t experiencing symptoms, colonoscopies are still performed by your Calabasas, CA gastroenterologist.

This minimally invasive procedure is actually the best way to screen for colorectal cancer and should be something that everyone gets once they reach their 50s. You may also need to get a colonoscopy sooner if you have certain risk factors that increase your chances of colorectal cancer including:

- A personal history with colorectal cancer or polyps
- A family history of colorectal cancer or polyps
- You are a smoker
- You are a heavy drinker
- You lead a sedentary lifestyle
- You have a diet heavy in red meats and fatty foods
- You are obese

What should I expect when I get a colonoscopy?

We will provide you with a preparation (either a liquid or pill) to take one day prior to your procedure to help empty your bowels before the procedure. When you come in for a colonoscopy we will have you lie on your side. Next, we will insert an IV into the arm to provide you with sedation that will help you feel more relaxed. Sedation can sometimes make people drowsy or fall asleep during their colonoscopy.

Next, the scope is inserted into the rectum and slowly passed through the intestines. Some air will also be directed through the scope to help us see the intestinal tract better and look for any polyps, bleeding, etc. If we do find a suspicious growth, we can also perform a biopsy. Polyps can also be removed during your procedure.

Don’t put off a colonoscopy. This procedure is easy, there is no recovery period and it could just end up saving your life. Call our office today if you are experiencing any of the symptoms above or if you’ve just recently turned 50 and need to schedule your first colonoscopy with your Calabasas, CA gastroenterologist.

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