Starting a Gluten-Friendly Diet

Whether you’ve actually been diagnosed with Celiac disease or you just suspect that you may be dealing with gluten intolerance, there are many reasons why someone may switch to a gluten-free diet. For those with celiac, eating a gluten-free diet is the only way to get rid of symptoms and to help the gut heal properly. Of course, starting a new diet can always feel a little confusing. That’s where a gastroenterologist can provide you with a wide range of tips to make your new diet a success.

If you’re not celiac, you don’t need to say goodbye to gluten forever
There are more and more health experts talking about the problems with gluten, so if you are an otherwise healthy individual who doesn’t have celiac but is curious about making the switch, then know that you don’t have to avoid gluten or that trace amounts aren’t going to hurt you. However, if you are concerned that you might have celiac or gluten intolerance you must see a doctor.

You can still enjoy some grains
Most people assume that once they go gluten-free that all grains are literally off the table! While you will need to avoid wheat (and derivatives of wheat such as semolina and farro), rye, barley, malt, and wheat starch you can still enjoy these delicious, gluten-free grains,

  • Quinoa
  • Oats (make sure there is a gluten-free label on the packaging)
  • Buckwheat
  • Sorghum
  • Amaranth
  • Brown rice
  • Teff
  • Corn

Gluten-free diets don’t always help you lose weight

If you are trying to go gluten-free because you think that it might help you lose weight, then you may want to consult a medical professional. A gluten-free diet simply helps those who are gluten intolerant and those with celiac avoid an ingredient that could harm or damage their gut. If you are simply trying a gluten-free diet to lose weight this may not be the best method. Talk to your doctor first.

It takes time to notice changes
If you have celiac disease then sticking with a gluten-free diet is a must, as even the smallest amount of gluten can cause serious damage to the gut. As your gut heals you will notice a marked improvement, which will continue for days, months, and even years. This can vary from person to person, with some people noticing a change within just a few days while it may take other individuals months or even years.

You must see a gastroenterologist if you are experiencing symptoms of celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Your doctor can provide you with a customized treatment plan to help you and your gut get the proper relief.

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