Finding Ways To Prevent Hemorrhoids

Prone to hemorrhoids? Here are some ways to prevent flare-ups.

Hemorrhoids are serious (and literal) pain in the butt. Of course, certain factors can predispose people to have hemorrhoids. If you’ve had them before chances are fairly good that you are looking for ways to make sure you never have to deal with them again. From the office of our gastroenterologists, here are some helpful tips for preventing hemorrhoids in the future.

Add more fiber to your diet

You might think you’re getting enough fiber in your diet, but you could be very wrong. In fact, only 1 in 20 Americans is getting the proper amount of fiber intake every day. Of course, dietary fiber isn’t just important for improving digestion, it can also help to soften stools so they are easier to pass. Fiber can also prevent constipation, which is often a cause of hemorrhoids.

Get Your Body Moving

Exercise provides an array of benefits, and better gut health is just one of them. Even if you aren’t prone to hemorrhoids, regular aerobic activity will increase blood flow to the intestines and stave off constipation. Just remember to wait about 1-2 hours after eating before you work out.

Practice Good Hygiene

How you clean down there may also affect your predisposition to hemorrhoids. Of course, you should always be practicing good personal hygiene and thoroughly cleaning after you use the bathroom. Of course, along with proper hygiene, it’s also a good idea to take a shower at least once a week in the evening right before going to bed, making sure that you are giving your backend a little extra (but gentle) cleaning.

Avoid Straining and Heavy Lifting

You may be surprised to discover that lifting heavy objects or straining can also put too much pressure on the anus, which can lead to hemorrhoids. While any doctor will recommend exercising for its many health benefits, you mustn’t be straining or pushing too hard.

Enjoy a Sitz Bath

If you do find yourself dealing with the beginnings of hemorrhoids, you may want to run a bath with Epsom salts, which can help to alleviate pain, discomfort, and inflammation. While certainly not as pleasant, a cold bath can also have positive effects, as it can both numb the area to reduce pain and also stimulate blood flow.

If you are dealing with painful hemorrhoids and you aren’t finding relief through home care, then it’s time to speak with a qualified gastroenterologist who can provide you with more effective strategies for soothing and easing your symptoms.

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