How To Treat Heartburn

If you are like most adults, you have probably experienced heartburn, also known as acid reflux, at some point in your life. Depending on the severity of your symptoms or the frequency with which you experience heartburn, there may be different treatment options that are right for you. If you are seeking relief from heartburn in Calabasas, CA, consider reaching out to Dr. Parviz Gholami of Calabasas Advanced Gastroenterology.

What is Heartburn?

Heartburn is a common term used to describe the occasional occurrence of stomach acid backing up into your esophagus. This can cause symptoms such as chest pain, a burning sensation in the throat, or a sour taste in your mouth. If you find that this occurrence is more common for you, meaning happening multiple times each week or lasting longer than two weeks, then it is possible you may have chronic acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Occasional heartburn in Calabasas, CA, should be treated differently than GERD.

Over-the-Counter Medications

While heartburn is treated by many people using over-the-counter medications such as antacids, H-2 blockers, or proton-pump inhibitors (PPI), these treatments may not be effective for patients who have GERD. This is because over-the-counter medications are meant to provide immediate relief and should not be taken regularly as they may cause long-term side effects. If you are unsure of the best treatment for your heartburn, consult your physician or a gastroenterologist today.

When to See a Gastroenterologist

Gastroenterologists play an important role in the treatment of heartburn and GERD as they are specialized physicians for managing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including the esophagus and stomach involved in these conditions. Since GERD cannot be treated with over-the-counter medications in the same way that the occasional bout of heartburn can, it is important to seek medical treatment right away for frequent symptoms of heartburn that last longer than two weeks or will not resolve with these medications.

Call Dr. Gholami of Calabasas Advanced Gastroenterology at (818) 696-8840 if you are seeking treatment for heartburn in Calabasas, CA.

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