As we approach fall and winter, we wish to update you on your ear nose and throat health. We recommend that you have your humidifiers inspected and cleaned. If you don't have one, this may be a good time to purchase. When heaters go on, so should humidifiers. In addition, nasal saline sprays and netty pots often times aid in healthy noses and throats. It is becoming increasingly well known how important good nasal breathing is for our overall health. I am sending a link to a recent story aired on CBS News, featuring James Nestor, author of the recent book, "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art". It is very insightful and I hope you enjoy it.

We continue to take very strict COVID precautions. We have had no cases as a result anyone coming to our office or having surgery with us at Northwestern Hospital.
Flu season is rapidly approaching and strongly encourage the flu vaccine.
We are very pleased with our results of the Inspire(inspiresleep.com)procedure for sleep apnea. This has proven to be an excellent outpatient procedure for those who are not getting good results with CPAP.
As always, we offer a full range of services for your hearing health. We provide the most current technology for testing your hearing and providing the most appropriate hearing aids for each individual.
Please feel free to call the office(312-988-7777) for further information on all of the above or to set up an appointment. You may also send individual emails through our patient portal.

Wishing you all good health and safety,

Gordon J. Siegel, M.D.,FACS
Assistant Clinical Professor
Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery             
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

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