Sleep Apnea

Treatment for Sleep Apnea in Chicago

Dr. Gordon Siegel, a board-certified Otolaryngology Medical Doctor, directs Midwest ENT in Chicago, IL. Our doctor sees patients daily for a wide range of concerns. One thing that many patients seem to have in common is sleep apnea.

Those with mild to severe sleep apnea need to wear one of several available sleep aids, most requiring a facial mask or nose pillow to avoid severe complications like a heart attack or stroke.

Inspire is the trending innovation for those with sleep apnea. No mask or nose pillow is required on your face to help you keep breathing when asleep. Our doctor wants you to understand Inspire and how it keeps your breathing steady while you sleep.

Sleep Apnea

Midwest ENT in Chicago, IL, says that many people with sleep apnea don't know they have it; thus, they go untreated, risking their lives for a possible heart attack or stroke.

However snoring loudly every night is a sign of sleep apnea. It takes the expertise of our ENT doctor to determine whether you have sleep apnea, to what level, and what treatment option will benefit you the most.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

  • Constant, loud snoring
  • Gasping for breath
  • Insomnia/restless sleep
  • Morning headaches
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Dry/sore throat
  • Forgetfulness
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Irritability
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Daytime sleepiness during

Sleep apnea causes a pause in breathing while you sleep, causing you to gasp for air, thus putting stress on the heart. So, until recently, you had no choice but to wear a face mask, like it or not. Inspire requires nothing worn on your face.

You must have a sleep study to help the doctor determine if you have sleep apnea. Our doctor can order a sleep study, done overnight in a sleep lab, to gain a diagnosis.

How Inspire Works

This FDA-approved sleep apnea therapy works from inside your body, not on your face. A minor surgical procedure implants a hair-thin wire delivering a gentle push to your airway muscles. You do not feel this wire, nor does it interfere with your swallowing or breathing.

This push keeps your airway open so that you do not grasp for air when you stop breathing due to relaxed airway muscles and the tongue that falls back, blocking your airway. Inspire allows you a regular breathing pattern, thus allowing a more sound sleep.

Upon implant, you have a hand-held remote control to turn your Inspire on and off when not in use. Patients love Inspire because they don't have to wear masks or hoses to bed that may limit their movement. If you want more information about Inspire, please call Dr. Siegel, at (312) 988-7777 at Midwest ENT in Chicago, IL.

If you are dealing with symptoms of sleep apnea it’s important that you see a doctor as soon as possible for a diagnosis. Call Dr. Gordon Siegel at Midwest Ear Nose and Throat in Chicago, IL at (312) 988-7777 to schedule an evaluation.

Our Location

3 East Huron Chicago, IL, 60660, US

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm




8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-11:30 am

