Could a Dental Crown Help My Smile?

A dental crown can help your smile in several ways, whether it be by protecting a weak tooth from developing decay, restoring an unattractive tooth that is severely worn down, or repairing a damaged tooth. Here at Southshore Dental in Trenton, MI, if you need a dental crown, Dr. Mehul C. Patel can help.

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown also called a "cap," is a cover that fits over damaged teeth to restore them to proper health. They can even replace an entire tooth as a part of dental implants or bridgework. If you are missing a significant amount of tooth structure from your gum line, a dental crown is ideal for restoring your smile.

What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

Before treatment begins at our Trenton office, your dentist will prepare your tooth for its crown. First, he will numb the surrounding area with a topical gel, and then the tooth is shaped to fit inside its new covering. If there is minimal tooth structure left, additional filling materials may be implemented to support the crown. Once the tooth is ready, the dentist will make model impressions of your teeth for the laboratory to use as guides for creating your permanent crown and ensure a proper bite. Before you leave the office, we place a temporary crown until your permanent one is ready. Your permanent crown will be installed during your second appointment.

Need Dental Work? Give Us a Call

If your smile could use enhancement, consider dental crowns for a natural aesthetic. There are several types of material Dr. Mehul C. Patel uses to craft a dental crown, but porcelain is the most popular choice. We can discuss the material best suited for you during your consultation at our office in Trenton, MI. For more information about dental crowns and other services provided, visit our website. For questions or to schedule an appointment with your dentist, please call (734) 675-0585.

Our Location

2861 West Road, Trenton, MI 48183

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



