Dental Implants Help Your Whole Smile

Discover some of the amazing benefits dental implants will afford your oral health for the long implants

Nothing is worse then dealing with tooth loss. While you couldn’t wait for teeth to fall out when you were a child, the feeling is completely different when it happens as an adult. Before you freak out, our Trenton, MI, dentists - Dr. Mehul Patel, Dr. Heba Abuhussein and Dr. Lena Mustafa - are here to tell you about a solution that will not only replace your missing tooth (or teeth) but will also provide an array of other smile benefits.

What are dental implants?

This metal restoration may not look like much at first glance but you would be surprised to know that it’s actually the closest you can come to a natural tooth. While in a perfect world everyone would maintain their natural smiles, when tooth loss happens our Trenton restorative dentists want to make sure there is a restoration that comes as close to the real thing as possible.

This small post (often made from titanium) is placed into the socket of your missing tooth where it will sit within the jawbone. This minor procedure is performed right here in our office under local anesthesia.

Once the implant is placed, the jawbone and gum tissue will begin to grow around the implant as they heal, making the implant a permanent structure in your mouth. No other restoration can offer this same long-term reliability. From there, we will place the remaining components (e.g. abutment and/or crown) of the implant to complete the restoration and to give you back the smile you love.

What are some of the benefits I’ll enjoy with dental implants?

Since implants are different from all other tooth replacement options, there are some benefits that are exclusive to implants, including:

  • Preventing bone loss and stimulating the growth of new bone cells
  • Looking and functioning like a real tooth
  • A long lifespan (the implant could last the rest of your life)
  • Restoring chewing, biting and speaking
  • Preventing structural changes and premature wrinkling of the face
  • Supporting the facial muscles
  • Preventing teeth from shifting around

So, are you ready to sit down and find out how dental implants can give you back the smile you know and love? Then schedule a consultation with the implant experts at Southshore Dental in Trenton, MI.

Our Location

2861 West Road, Trenton, MI 48183

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



