Dental Implants Part 1 of 3: Preparing Before the Surgery

Dental implants provide an excellent permanent and restorative solution for missing teeth. At Southshore Dental, our goal is to help improve your overall oral health. If you have missing or decayed teeth, our dentists may recommend dental implant surgery. In this three-part blog post, our team will provide what you need to know about dental implants, before, during, and after surgery. In Part 1 of this series on dental implants, we will share what you need to know before you go in for the procedure, including:

  1. Reviewing Your Options in the Consultation
  2. Selecting the Right Dentist 
  3. Post Surgery Oral Health Tips
  4. Planning Up to the Surgery Day

Review Your Options in the Consultation

Before scheduling surgery, schedule a consultation with your dental provider to discuss your options. During the consultation, the surgical team should perform a complete oral exam to determine if you’re a good candidate for implant surgery. Remember, while implants work well for most people, some will find that they are better served with another option, like dentures or fixed bridges.

At Southshore Dental, our free initial consultation will evaluate your mouth to determine if you’re a good candidate for implants. If the dentist comes to the conclusion that you're a good candidate for dental implant surgery, we will answer all your questions and talk about the procedure. Our team will review your financing options, and share the other options you have if dental implants aren't suitable for you.

Choose an Experienced Dentist

If you haven't already, take the time to choose your dentist carefully before scheduling implant surgery. Make sure your dentist uses the right technology, such as technology that helps find and avoid nerves during the procedure, and has vast experience with dental implants. Ask about the long-term success of the dentist’s past implant procedures. Minimally, your dentist should be a member of the ICOI, which indicates they are staying up to date with dental implant practices.

Focus on Good Oral Health

Following your surgery, make sure you’re taking good care of your teeth and gums - brush and floss twice daily, and use an antibacterial mouthwash. If you notice any problems, consult with your dentist to take care of them before the surgery.

You may also need a few days to rest. Most patients are able to return sooner after their surgery, however, we recommend taking a couple of days off of work and strenuous activities while the implant site heals.

The Day Before Your Dental Implant Surgery

Leading up to your procedure, your dentist may ask you to not eat anything up to 12 hours before your surgery. We also suggest that you fill your prescriptions before going into surgery to make the day of your surgery easier. Dentists may prescribe pain-relieving medications, however, most patients won't need it.

Our dentists also recommend that you stock up your kitchen with soft, easy to chew foods, such as yogurt, applesauce, pudding, and soups are all great options in the first few days after your surgery. After a few weeks, you can start to eat foods that can be easily cut with a fork.

That’s what you need to know to prepare for oral implant surgery. In the next installment of this three-part series, we'll outline what to expect during your actual procedure.


At Southshore Dental, we care about your oral health and want what is best for you. The best way to determine if dental implants are the right option for your smile is to talk to a dentist. Reach out to Southshore Dental for a free consultation at (734) 675-0585 to discuss dental implants with a downriver dental team that cares about helping you make the best possible decision.

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8:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



