Do You Have Good Oral Hygiene Habits?

Are you an expert at oral hygiene or could you stand to improve your dental care habits? Dr. Mehul Patel and Dr. Heba Abuhussein, your Trenton, MI, dentists, share important information about good oral hygiene habits.

Brushing isn't an optional activity

Have you ever been so tired that you just decided to skip brushing, figuring that you could make up for your missed brushing session in the morning? Unfortunately, if you don't brush twice daily, plaque builds up on your teeth. Plaque is a rough, colorless, bacterial film that coats your teeth. When you take a bite of foods that contains sugar or carbohydrates, the plaque interacts with the sugars in these foods to create acids strong enough to destroy your tooth enamel. When these acids eat away at your enamel, they create cavities.

Brushing twice daily is an excellent way to remove plaque and reduce your tooth decay risk. Toothbrushes with soft bristle brushes are the best choice for brushing because these brushes remove plaque without eroding your enamel or damaging your gums.

Flossing once a day is recommended by the Trenton, MI, doctors

Food debris just doesn't coat your teeth but also collects in the spaces between teeth. Flossing once a day removes both food debris and plaque. If you don't get rid of plaque, you could develop a cavity on the side of a tooth.

Regular dental exams keep your smile healthy

In addition to daily brushing and flossing, visiting your dentist every six months is an excellent way to maintain good oral hygiene. As part of the visit, you'll receive a complete cleaning to remove plaque and tartar, a hard deposit that can cause gum disease. If any cavities are detected during your exam, they'll be much easier to treat while they're still small.

Has it been a while since you've visited us? Call Dr. Mehul Patel and Dr. Heba Abuhussein, your Trenton, MI, dentists at (734) 219-6754 to schedule your appointment.

Our Location

2861 West Road, Trenton, MI 48183

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



