Restore Your Damaged Tooth

Are you ready to find out why a dental crown may just be the restoration you need?dental crowns

There is a reason dental crowns are such a popular dental restoration. After all, they can be used for so much. They can be aesthetic or restorative in nature and they can even offer a way to protect a tooth from irreparable damage. If our Trenton, MI, dentists Dr. Mehul Patel and Dr. Heba Abuhussein have told you that you could benefit from dental crowns, find out how they could improve your oral health!

By now you probably know what a dental crown is, but just in case you don’t, a dental crown is a tooth-shaped restoration that is hollow and custom designed to fit over a tooth for several reasons. Dental crowns can be purely restorative, cosmetic or both. Our Trenton, MI, general dentist may recommend placing a dental crown if you:

  • Have a damaged or weakened tooth (often the case if you experience decay, an infection or traumatic injury to a tooth)
  • You have a malformed, misshapen or discolored tooth
  • You are getting a dental bridge (a crown supports and stabilizes the bridge)
  • You have a dental filling that can no longer properly support the tooth
  • You are getting a single dental implant (a crown is placed over the implant)

As you can see, a crown offers many different benefits and can take on many different roles. Crowns can even be made from a variety of different materials including:

  • Porcelain
  • Porcelain fused to metal
  • Ceramic

In some cases, a lot of people will get a temporary crown before they get a permanent one since crowns need to be custom designed to fit a tooth. This requires us to first take impressions of the tooth or teeth that require the crown so that a dental lab can then fabricate the restoration. Since this can take time, a temporary crown is placed in the interim.

Once the crown is complete, we will do a final fitting to make sure the crown fits perfectly before cementing it into place. With the proper care, a dental crown can last many years.

Have questions about dental crowns? Wondering if these restorations could help you? If so, then it’s time to call Southshore Dental in Trenton, MI and serving the Riverview, Woodhaven and Brownstown areas, to learn more. Let us help you get the smile you deserve!

Our Location

2861 West Road, Trenton, MI 48183

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



