Show Off Your Best Possible Smile

Bad smile? Porcelain veneers can give you the Hollywood smile you've always dreamed of. Veneers can make an imperfect smile look cosmetic dentistryflawless. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are placed over the front teeth. Southshore Dental, which is located in Trenton, MI, offers porcelain veneers to their patients. Here are the top five reasons to consider porcelain veneers in Trenton, MI.

1. Cover Crooked Teeth- Crooked teeth can be embarrassing, causing people to hide their smile. Dentists use porcelain veneers to improve teeth that are crooked. Veneers are very effective in covering up cosmetic imperfections and giving patients the appearance of a beautiful smile.

2. Whiten Stained Teeth- Pigments from beverages and foods, certain medications, and smoking can stain your teeth. Stained teeth can affect your self-esteem. Porcelain veneers will make your pearly whites bright and shiny and make you feel good about yourself. This approach allows you to improve the shape and color of your teeth at the same time.

3. Fix Gapped Teeth- A diastema is a gap or space between two teeth. Having a gap between your teeth can affect your confidence. Dentists use porcelain veneers to close gaps between the teeth. These ceramic shells fit snugly over your front teeth to create an evenly-spaced smile.

4. Restore Chipped Teeth- Chipping a tooth is a common phenomenon. An accident, sports injury, or chewing something hard can cause a tooth to chip. Your dentist can use porcelain veneers to restore your chipped teeth. Porcelain veneers will make your chipped teeth look whole and healthy again.

5. Cover Worn-Down Teeth- Some of the factors that can lead to worn-down teeth are tooth grinding, and brushing aggressively, and eating foods that have a high acid content. Your dentist can fix your worn-down teeth through the use of veneers. Veneers essentially replace tooth enamel. Veneers are less likely to wear down than your original teeth.

6. Strengthen Teeth- Porcelain veneers provide resilience and strength comparable to the enamel on your teeth. These shells can strengthen and protect vulnerable teeth that have cracks or chips. This is possible due to the durable, high-quality material that composes porcelain veneers as they cover your teeth.

Ready to take your smile from ordinary to extraordinary? Call Southshore Dental at 734-675-0585 today to schedule a dental consultation in Trenton, MI and serving Grosse Ile, Wyandotte, and Riverview, MI, areas. Porcelain veneers have helped millions of people transform their smiles, boost their self-esteem, and improve the quality of their lives. And they will do the same for you!

Our Location

2861 West Road, Trenton, MI 48183

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



