Dental Implants vs Veneers

Smile ImageWhat’s the difference between these two popular cosmetic procedures?

When you are considering a dental makeover, you have to go through the list of cosmetic treatments to truly find out which one would be best for your smile. After all, there’s really no need to go through lengthy, more invasive procedures if all you’re looking for is a minor tweak.
If you’ve been trying to decide whether dental veneers or dental implants in Pittsburgh will give you the smile you’re looking for, here are the major differences between these two procedures to help make your decision process a bit easier.

What aesthetic problems do implants and veneers fix?

A dental implant is used to restore missing teeth and isn’t used to fix more minor dental flaws. Those with tooth loss should weigh the pros and cons of getting dental implants, as they are a long-term restorative treatment. Veneers, on the other hand, are thin tooth-like shells that go over the front of a tooth to cover minor imperfections like cracks, chips, small gaps, overcrowding and severe stains that whitening treatments can fix.

What is the dental implant procedure like?

Dental implants are used to mimic a tooth’s root; therefore, it is embedded into the jawbone to hold an artificial crown in place. This means that the procedure itself is more invasive than it would be for veneers. Before the crown is even placed on the implant, the patient’s mouth is given a few months to heal properly after the implant is inserted. Over time the gums and bones will fuse around the implant, making it a permanent structure within the mouth.

What should I expect from my veneer treatment?

Veneers don’t require much preparation and the procedure doesn’t take nearly as long. Before we put on the veneers, we will shave about ½ millimeter of your tooth’s enamel to accommodate the extra size of the veneers (you don’t want them to look bulky!). Then we will match the veneers to the rest of your smile before adhering them to the front of your teeth. A special laser is used to harden the resin that will permanently bond the veneers to your teeth. Since we do shave down some of your natural tooth, this procedure is considered irreversible.
Implants are used for more serious situations like tooth loss while veneers are more commonly used because they can fix a host of dental problems without surgery. If you want to find out which procedure would be best for your smile, call us so we can get you in for a consultation. We would be happy to further discuss your dental options with you!

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