Invisalign Before and After

When people are looking for Invisalign before and after pictures, they want to see the cosmetic effect of what the Invisalign did to straighten their teeth.  This gives people comfort when they can see the results, and can be confident their smile will be fixed.  Here are some pictures below that show invisalign before and after pictures with some great success:

Before and After
invisalign before and after

One of the things people don't realize though are the health benefits that having straight teeth can provide.  Crooked or misaligned teeth can lead to periodontal disease, and can wear down your jaw.  Over time these affects can build up and cause you discomfort later in your life.  This video from Invisaligns Youtube Channel gives a great explanation on what different issues with your teeth and bite can do to your overall health:

One other major thing you will notice in the "after" part of your treatment, is magnified confidence!  If you were self concious about your teeth, you will now have a bright radiant smile that will leave you with excellent energy.  Everyone has an extra jump in their step when they think they look good, and Invisalign can make your smile look perfect.  Some people may even have relief from depression that may have come from anxiety and worry about what people thought about your smile.  

Well now it is your turn to take control of your life.  Schedule an appointment for a consultation today!


Our Location

6011 Baptist Rd., Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15236

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm

