What Are Some Good Snacking Options With Braces?

If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, you may need braces in Des Plaines, IL.  While undergoing orthodontic treatment, you may be concerned about how you can properly eat without damaging your teeth or your appliances. Visit the office of Dr. Michael Durbin for expert care and guidance as you straighten your teeth.

Can I Snack While I Have Braces?

Following a few important guidelines while wearing braces is important to ensure your teeth or appliances are not damaged or compromised during treatment. This means you should avoid foods that are hard, sticky, or chewy. Food can be cut into smaller pieces to aid in chewing.

Metal Braces

After you get metal braces in Des Plaines, IL, you can eat popcorn if it is popped or puffed, and you do not chew the unpopped kernels. If the kernel is hard, avoid eating it as this can damage your braces.

 Some healthy options that are soft and easy to chew include applesauce, pudding, or yogurt. You can also try bananas, grapes, or berries.

Clear Ceramic Braces

When you snack with clear ceramic braces, follow similar snack rules as those with metal braces. Eat any food that you can easily cut into small pieces. Foods that are high in natural sugar content should be eaten in moderation.


When you have Invisalign or clear aligner treatment, you have the option of removing your aligners whenever you eat or drink. Avoid eating with the aligners still in your mouth. Since you are able to remove the aligners to eat and drink, you don't necessarily have to limit your snack options.

 When you come to our office in Des Plaines, IL, for braces, Dr. Durbin will ensure that you are well informed on how to function with them. Enjoy your food and snacks with modifications that ensure the maintenance of your orthodontic appliances. Call us at (847) 824-0154 for a consultation today. 

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