FAQs about ADHD

FAQs about ADHD

If your child has just received an ADHD diagnosis or you suspect they might have ADHD, a million questions could be running through your head. Your child's pediatricians of Valle Verde Pediatrics can answer your questions and help you manage your child's ADHD in Poway, CA.

What is ADHD?

ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a condition featuring inattentiveness or hyperactivity in more than one setting which affects performance in academic, social, or occupational environments.

Parents usually observe that their child has trouble focusing in school, trouble following instructions, and is forgetful. They might also experience poor academic performance.

What Causes ADHD?

The exact cause of ADHD is not known. However, its features indicate that it might involve alterations in brain function. Genetics and environmental factors seem to play a role in the development of ADHD.

What Are the Symptoms of ADHD?

Symptoms of ADHD can be divided into symptoms of inattention and symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

Symptoms of inattention include:

  • Doesn't pay attention to details and makes mistakes
  • Doesn't seem to listen to instructions
  • Fails to follow through with tasks
  • Difficulty organizing tasks
  • Distracted easily by external factors
  • Forgetful in daily activities
  • Often loses properties

 Symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsiveness include:

  • Fidgeting, restlessness, and squirming in their seat
  • Running and climbing excessively in inappropriate situations
  • Trouble playing quietly
  • Always on the go
  • Always talking
  • Trouble waiting their turn and interrupting others

 Some children with ADHD might display symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity in the combined type.

Is ADHD the Same for All Kids?

People display varying degrees of ADHD severity. While some show very mild symptoms, others might have symptoms that affect normal functioning in society. Your pediatrician at Ville Verde Pediatrics might grade your child's ADHD as mild, moderate, or severe.

How is ADHD Diagnosed?

There's no single test that tells you if your child has ADHD. However, your pediatrician could use series of tests to determine if your child has ADHD in Poway, CA. Your pediatrician will begin with a full physical exam and assessment of your child's medical history.

Other tests that guide your physician in diagnosing your child's condition include:

  • ADHD rating scales
  • Broad-spectrum scales
  • Intelligence tests
  • Brain scans
  • Computer tests

How to Treat ADHD

ADHD has no cure but there are treatment options available. Some children seem to outgrow their ADHD but some might still exhibit symptoms in adulthood. Behavior therapy and medication are the treatment options that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends for ADHD.

At Valle Verde Pediatrics, your pediatrician will design a personalized treatment plan with routine assessment and adjustments to manage your child's ADHD.

If you have more questions on how to manage your child's ADHD in Poway, CA, you should consult your pediatricians. Call (858) 487-8333 to book your consultation at Valle Verde Pediatrics. 

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