• Avoid Brushing After Every Single Meal!
    Here is some surprising yet worthwhile advice you might be hearing for the first time: Brushing after a meal can be incredibly bad for your teeth if you do it Read more
  • Memorial Day
    Memorial Day is not only a federal holiday in the United States, but it is a day of observance and remembrance of those who died in service. Originally known as Read more
  • Dental Veneers
    If you want to fix staining, large gaps, fillings, chipped teeth, or the overall shape of your teeth, this may be the perfect option for you. Many of our patients Read more
  • Canker Sores and Stress
    Canker sores are painful lesions that form in the soft tissues of the mouth, usually along the inner lips, under the tongue, and along the cheek walls. They are usually Read more
  • The Best DH in Baseball
    Oh, wait—did you think we meant Designated Hitter? Oh, no, we’re not getting into that debate! What we want to talk about is the best Dental Habits you can practice Read more
  • How effective is whitening toothpaste?
    The American Dental Association encourages you to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to prevent dental problems such as tooth decay, bad breath, sensitive teeth, and gingivitis. Beyond Read more
  • Make Every Day Earth Day
    Earth Day began in 1970 as an event to raise awareness of our environment. What began as a single day in April is now recognized around the world to bring Read more
  • Is dairy crucial to my child's oral health?
    Healthy eating, combined with regular physical activity, plays a vital role in your child’s health and well-being. Dairy foods are naturally nutritious, packed with ten essential nutrients that help your Read more
  • Do Spring Allergies Mean (B)Looming Dental Problems?
    April showers bring May flowers, and May flowers bring . . . allergies. If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from seasonal allergies, you might be suffering Read more
  • Dental Emergencies in Children
    Dental emergencies are bound to come up when you have young children. the doctor and our team want to you to be prepared in case you run into a difficult Read more
  • Three Valuable Dental Treatments
    In our office, we customize treatment for every patient. Amid all of the fillings, crowns, and veneers, we find there are three treatments that are most valuable when offering our Read more
  • Go Green for St. Patrick’s Day
    Millions of people, around CARBONDALE, Illinois and beyond, wear green on St. Patrick’s Day so they can show their spirit for the holiday and avoid getting pinched. While it may Read more
  • Four Tips for Soothing a Toothache
    Whether it’s a dull and throbbing ache or a sharp pain, toothaches can come in many different forms. Chances are you’ve had the discomforting experience once or twice in your Read more
  • Are your teeth ready for the big day?
    Capturing the Moment At Jennifer E. Mihalopulos, DMD we know that just about anyone who has taken on the challenge of planning her own wedding could tell you how important the Read more
  • How does a tooth decay?
    When acids are allowed to erode tooth enamel long enough to leach calcium and other minerals from your enamel and dentin, a process called demineralization occurs. This rapidly leads to Read more
  • Top Five Best Foods for Oral Health
    Some foods are just terrible for your teeth — think cookies and candy bars — but there are certain foods that are beneficial to your oral health. Below, the doctor Read more

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