Making the Most of Seasonal Produce

Fruits and vegetables taste the best—and cost the least—when they are in season. Spring, summer, and fall all offer waves of delicious in-season produce. Make it your mission to hit the farmers markets, or even just your grocery store, to take advantage of tasty, healthy savings.

But what happens when you’re up to your eyeballs in Swiss chard? How much kale can you expect your family to eat in one week? And it’s great all that broccoli only cost a dollar, but now what are you going to do with it? Try these tips to get the most out of your food. After all, that package of strawberries does you no good if it ends up in the garbage can.


Think Outside the Oven: When the weather is nice enough for a bountiful produce section, chances are it’s nice enough to grill! Grilling is a great way to infuse otherwise boring vegetables with a bit more flavor and interest. Experiment with grill baskets or kebabs and pair a host of grilled veggies with some grilled chicken for the ultimate healthy meal from the grill.

Sauce What’s in Season: Especially good for picky eaters, chopping and dicing vegetables and sneaking them into your favorite pasta sauce is a great way to use a lot of your fresh produce. Also try adding them as a layer or two in your signature lasagna recipe.

Freeze It: Not all fruits and veggies freeze well, but the ones that do—like hearty green vegetables and fruits like apples and strawberries—can be enjoyed year-round. Save money later on by using your frozen food in the winter months, when prices increase and produce selection decreases.

Sip More Smoothies: Another great use for your stock of frozen produce, smoothies are a great solution to an overflowing fridge or freezer. Splash some almond milk in a blender, add whatever you have on hand, from kale to kiwi, and enjoy the best way to drink your vitamins.

Start a Harvest Table: Talk to your church, community center, or schools about setting up a “Harvest Table.” Perhaps your garden is chock full of zucchini, while someone else was blessed with more tomatoes than one family could ever eat. Share the wealth by establishing a place to leave and take produce as it comes in season.

For more ways to incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables in an acid-reflux-friendly diet, try these recipes!

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