Make a New Year’s Resolution to Protect Your Health

This is the perfect time to reevaluate what you’re doing for your own health.

The holiday season is upon us and this usually means spending time with family and friends over generous helpings of foods. Of course, not all those foods are the best for your health. As we come up to the New Year, many patients make a resolution to be healthier. From the office of our Wausau, WI, gastroenterologists, here are some tips to keep your GI tract healthy in the New Year.

Eat Healthier for a Healthier You

The holiday season is a time for delicious foods and yet a lot of the foods we love can also lead to heartburn, indigestion and constipation. It’s important to know what triggers these symptoms so that you can avoid these foods whenever possible. Aim to include fruits and vegetables, lean meats, low-fat dairy and whole grains into your diet while avoiding processed foods. Incorporate fiber into your diet and limit both caffeine and alcohol, which can cause digestive issues.

Manage Overeating and Bad Habits

We know how tempting it can be to reach for another helping of mashed potatoes or to grab another slice of pumpkin pie; however, if you find yourself feeling guilty about how much you’re eating this holiday season then here are some quick tips to allow you to enjoy delicious holiday foods without the guilt.

  • Pace yourself and set your fork down between bites. By slowing down you can control just how much you eat and allow your body time to let you know that it’s done. You can still enjoy the foods you love, just in moderation.
  • If you’re still hungry after a meal, drink a glass of water and wait 10-15 minute to see if the pangs go away.
  • Stress can also wreak havoc on our ability to manage bad eating habits, so make sure to carve out some time in between carving that turkey to unwind and relax.
  • Practice mindful eating, which means turning off distractions and focusing on eating. Eating while working or multitasking can lead to consuming hundreds of extra calories.

Decide to Lose that Weight

Getting fit is a resolution for many and adding regular physical activity to your week is important for a healthy digestive system. In fact, something as simple as a 30-minute walk each day can prevent bloating and constipation. Getting regular exercise can also reduce your risk for colon cancer. Those who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk for developing with diabetes, fatty liver disease and other GI problems.

Schedule a Colonoscopy

Okay, so perhaps this isn’t something you’ve put on your wish list this holiday season but a colonoscopy is the best way to detect polyps and colorectal cancer, and both men and women should start getting screened by the time they reach 50 years old. If you are turning 50 this year then it’s time to schedule a colonoscopy with our Wausau, WI, GI doctor.

If you want to start out the New Year with good digestive health then the team at GI Associates in Wausau, WI, can provide you with the advice and treatment you need to handle any issues you might be having. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


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8:00 am-5:00 pm


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Endoscopy Center


6:30 am-4:00 pm


6:30 am-4:00 pm


6:30 am-4:00 pm


6:30 am-4:00 pm


6:30 am-4:00 pm



